
Look, he is holding my signature @gaitan

Well done I am glad you could have some fun with this. Thank you much appreciated!

Well Done! This was by far the best social experiment I have ever done. Does this just not prove that you cannot just believe people when they say they are who they are? Reward good content not random crap.

@mabiturm said it best:

This is an interesting post for another reason: How would it be possible to verify identity in a decentral way? The queen of England could introduce herself on steemit tomorrow, but who is going to believe her?

Just a thought for all steemits, make your up-votes count! I will keep this account with this one post only! I am honestly doing this for research. This is the beauty of a anonymous ,decentralized eco system. Love me or hate me I can do experiments that truly count! Human behavior is truly a fascinating subject indeed.

According to my research there is a 66% probability that this post will trend within the next 72hr's, earning a estimated profit cap of about $3.500. This is simply an observation and my estimated calculation. Did you know around 56% of steemit users who up-vote will simply skim over content and images, before casting a up-vote!

oh, man! This is epic!

Thanks for your reply and partaking, well done!