There are some really interesting ideas out there in the crypto-UBI space. Some are already out there, like Grantcoin (soon to be Manna), Circles, and most recently VIVA. There are those in the works like Cicada, Cubecoin, Musicoin and UBIcoin.
I know I'm missing some, but these are off the top of my head.
There are also some interesting platforms being developed around UBI as a concept. Personally, I'm most excited about the release of GroupIncome. Check it out!
As for my own idea, I'd like to see a cryptocurrency exchange apply an exchange fee that goes to every wallet on the exchange. It would be like a crypto-Tobin tax used to fund a netizen dividend for the exchange's users.
I brought up some of the Cicada ideas to @kyriacos on the post I had mentioned in my other comment, and I really couldn't disagree with the point he made. While it may offer some minimal level of UBI, if anyone can survive on that is another question entirely...