Hey there! | Hallo zusammen! | Hola gente! |
I have actually joined Steemit a while back already, but never introduced myself. So here it is, better late than never, I guess. My name is Ruben and I currently live in Cologne, Germany. I have actually joined Steemit based on a simple investment recommendation but I have decided to become part of this new community | Bin eigentlich schon was länger hier aber habe nie einen Intro Post gemacht. Also besser spät als nie, ne :) Ich heiße Ruben und lebe aktuell in Köln. Bin an verschiedenen Crypto-Investments und Neuerungen interessiert und hab mich auf Empfehlung eines Freundes hier angemeldet, und seitdem entschieden, dass ich Teil dieser neuen Community sein will! | De hecho ya me había registrado hace un tiempo pero nunca hice un post de introducción. Me llamo Ruben y vivo en Colonia, Alemania. Realmente me he dado de alta por un consejo de inversion por que "hay un nuevo facebook", pero desde entonces he decidido formar parte de esta nueva comunidad! |
A quick selfie | Kurz ein Selfie | Una selfie rapida |
What I like | Was ich mag | Lo que me gusta |
This picture was taken just an hour before I went on a boat (sailing catamaran) which I absolutely love to do. To me it's the most relaxing feeling to be on a boat on a calm see. It also makes for the best holidays in my eyes. When I was a teen I did a licence for a sailing yawl, that's so far unfortunately the only thing I can navigate on my own. For the bigger ones I need a skipper :D | Das Foto wurde nur eine Stunde, bevor ich auf einen Katamaran gestiegen bin, geschossen. Ich liebe es auf einem Boot zu sein, für mich ist das Entspannung pur. Sind auch einfach geile Urlaube :) Als Jugendlicher habe ich einen Segelschein für Jollen gemacht, die großen Dinger kann ich leider noch nicht fahren, da brauch ich nen Skipper :) | He tomado la foto justo una hora antes de que embarqué un catamaran. Estar en barco en el mar es algo que me encanta hacer, lo amo un montón - es pura relajacion, y además son unas vacaciones de puta madre :) de joven aprendí navegar la yola, pero desafortunadamente es el unico tamano que me permite navigar. Para los demas necesito un patrón :) |
Sports | Sports | Sports |
My every day hobby is working out. Normally I hit the gym 4 to 5 times a week, usually after work to clear my head. I do a mix of different work out styles, with some CrossFit elements, Calisthenics, traditional weightlifting, and cardio. I don't follow any special plans or diet regimes, I just do and eat what I feel like... this would take the fun out of it for me, and I go often enough to not have to care :) | Mein Alltagshobby ist Fitnesstraining. Ich geh zwischen 4 und 5 mal die Woche ins Studio, in der Regel nach der Arbeit, um den Kopf wieder frei zu kriegen. Ich kombiniere verschiedene Workouts, mit CrossFit Elementen, Körpergewichtsübungen, klassischem Pumpen und etwas Cardio. Ich halte mich an keinen bestimmten Plan oder Essensregeln, das würde mir dann keinen Spaß mehr machen. Bei dem Pensum sollte das aber auch kein Thema sein :) | Mi pasatiempo cotidiano es hacer deporte. Voy al gym unas 4 a 5 veces a la semana, normalmente justo despues del curro, para reducir estrés y relajar la cabeza. Hago una mezcla de varios tipos de workout, con elementos de CrossFit, Calistenia, musculacion tradicional y cardio. No sigo ni plan especial, ni de ejercicios, ni de alimentación. Me como que me gusta y ya. Al irse tantas veces al gym, no debería ni problema me parece :) |
Some more pics | Noch ein paar Bilder | Algunas fotos más |
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Welcome to steemit :D
Welcome to Steemit @scruvi!
I'm a bot-helper, and I'm created to help. Congratulations on the registration on Steem - you really like it here! If you like me, make an upvote of my comment and follow me. Your upvote will allow you to give more money to new users, such as you. Let's make Steem better together!
I follow you, and to get more upvote and resteem - follow me!
All the money I earn will be donated to charity.
Steem on!
Hello! Welcome to the Steemit Community! I can't wait to see your content. I hope you enjoy this wonderful platform. All the best for you:)
Have a beautiful day & Steem on!
Hola! Bienvenid@ a Steemit! No puedo esperar para ver su contenido. Espero que disfrute mucho de esta maravillosa plataforma. Todo lo mejor para ti:)

Ten un bonito día:) Steem On!
gracias, lo mismo te deseo a tí! :)
Welcome to steemit, happy to have you here
Hello Ruben, Nice to meet another fitness junkie. I see that into different kind of sports. I really like the idea of combining different training. I follow weight training and calisthenics. Though I'd like to try boxing one day. You're right, Life shouldn't be about fitness, but fun too. You have an amazing physique.
upvoted and followed.kindly check my blog @rahul516. I write fitness stuff. Follow if you like it.
willkommen bei steemin, viel spaß beim bloggen )
danke dir! + follow!
Welcome and Thank You for being with us!! Following your Blog now
welcome to steem bro :)
thanks uncle phil :)
Hi there Scruvi ,
Welcome to Steemit ! I am @minnowhelp, nice to meet you !
I do check the values of some offers here and hope so to help new steemians. I just started this project !
investment of $4.9 and Post Upvote worth $12.2 !
if you want to save money, follow me on follow me on my blog! :)
In my session 1 of testing the value of an @booster upvote I tracked the gains of different users by using this offer - so - for example @mitchiesfoodrace got for an
Hello Scruvi - welcome to Steemit ! i am @digital-gypsy - nice to meet you and all the best !
thanks, all the best to you, too!
Let me welcome you to this community @Scruvi . I'm @chrisx and if you need any help don't hesitate to contact or follow me :-)
thanks, followed you :)
welcome here Scruvi!! Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me...
done deal :)
Hello @scruvi. Welcome to Steemit. I am David. I wish you have a happy journey here.
same good journey to you! :)
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Hemos creado tambien un chat en discord donde interactuamos los unos con los otros y nos promocionamos.
Y no te pierdas los audioconferencias entre los miembros cervantiles y los canales de promocion por categoriasChat @cervantes en Discord !!!
Tambien estamos en Steemitchat https://steemit.chat/channel/HispanoHablantes
valorado en 2000 SBD!!!
Good post dude, liking the tri-lingual approach
thanks, the table thing took me a while :)
hi bro
good luck♥
I belive , writing good content , is very important to engage followers .. :) @ronaldmcateer
I recently started following you, and your posts are awesome :) keep it up! @ronaldmcatee
welcome welcome welcome auch wenn es schon ein Monat zurück liegt ;)