Hello Hive friends, here I will tell you a little about myself. Hope you like.

My name is Sebastián Marcano, I am 18 years old, and I was born in Nueva Esparta-Venezuela, and at 8 months old my mother brought me to live together with my two brothers in Anzoategui, that's where I grew up, I made friends, I was in several sports I had my first girlfriend and first love that we are currently together. I am at the university and I completed a semester of the computer science degree, I could not continue studying it since the university is expensive and I did not have enough income to continue paying it, currently I am in a public university with another degree since they did not have a degree I was already studying, and I chose the Administration-Marketing degree and thank God I already finished the first semester and I will continue studying until I graduate. Now I will tell you about the key moments of my life, it includes: People, Activities I have done, among other things.
My life in sports

The love of my loves, Baseball, from the age of 3 my mother enrolled me in a baseball school near my house, and from the first moment I was on the team it was a family, we were all united, we did things very well We were punctual to the training sessions, we spent time together outside the field of play, both players, family and coaches. We had a great community and that was reflected in the field of play, we were champions 8 consecutive years, and that was due to our hard work in each training session and the great relationship we had outside of them. At the age of 11 I had my first operation which was an umbilical hernia and adenoids, and the only thing I thought about was going back with more force than ever to training, the whole team came to visit me after each game to see how I I found and that was something incredible. When I returned to the field of play I no longer felt sure of myself and it was reflected in the whole team since they were also not at their best, but we still managed to reach the semifinal but we could not go from there and we were in 3 place, for the first time, but we did not give up and in my last season with the team that was 2014-2015 we were champions again raising our title # 10, and I said goodbye to baseball after another operation in which I became more insecure and I couldn't get over it. But it was the best 10 years I could have had practicing that beautiful sport.

I have been playing soccer since 2015, and in the photograph I am the number 13, because I chose that number for a very special person in my life, in the next photograph I will tell you about her. I have been playing soccer for 5 years and I still have not been able to win a title with my team, we stayed in the 8th finals, but now with the pandemic we have stopped, but let me tell you one thing, as soon as the whole pandemic ends and sports resume again, I will leave soccer to give everything for baseball again.
My special person
She is my girlfriend, and she is the person for whom I chose that number 13, since she turns 13-04, and it is in honor of her since she has not left me alone at any time, she has supported me a lot in each decision that I take and is a fundamental piece in my life. We are very young and we still have a lot to learn and go through, but what better way to go through each stage of our life, together, we really want to get ahead and not cower before any problem and look for the solution to obtain our happiness.
What shall I bring you?

Photo Edits at PicsArt
I will bring you step-by-step tutorials with screenshots so you can learn and make your edits so beautiful so you can share them on your social media. So I invite you to follow me so you don't miss out on my posts, I will bring you one or two tutorials per day.
Thank you very much for reading and for receiving me in this beautiful community. I hope you can join me on this new adventure.
Hello dear friend @ sebastian1903 good day
It is good that you have joined our company; Welcome and many successes in what you are going to develop in our beloved social network
I take this opportunity to wish you a prosperous week
Hello, good morning, thank you very much for your words, and for welcoming me.
No tienes nada que agradecer , es un placer visitarte.
Que pases una maravillosa tardecomo estas querido amigo @sebastian1903 buenas tardes
Bienvenido, hermano.
HIVE es tu nueva casa desde ahora y necesitas aprender como funciona en realidad.
Publicar cada un día o un día y medio, si son dos días, mucho mejor.
Realizar un buen post.
Cuida los errores ortográficos.
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Coloca las etiquetas correctas (la última que esta en tu publicación, esta mala, es decir, pegada).
Hola muchas gracias por su opinión, lo tomaré en cuenta en mis próxima publicación