Hey There,
I'm just new to Steemit and exited to exlpore the whole thing - already love it.
I'm an 24 year young computerscience student from Germany (near Frankfurt) who loves technology, travel and sports (especially callisthenics).
I am interested Blockchain, security and new technologies in general.
What am I going to Post ?
I am very interested in cybersecurity and would like to breakdown some Issues.
I will try to as easy as possible summarize security topics, so that everyone (not only people who are deep into tech) will understand that.
Especially in the Crypto Space there are many Scams like Phishing attacks etc which I want to pick up, and give good practices to avoid those.
- I really hope I can add value to the Community with that :)
- Also if you have some questions to specific topics i will give my best to pick them up.
So I am really exited to get to know you and be part of this awesome Community :)
Cool that you are on Steemit rigth now. Greeting Haggy2k3 from Telegram Channel ;-)
thanks - finally made it :)
Welcome to steemit! Glad to have someone here who's on our side when it comes to keeping our hard earned money as ours :)
thank you ! will do my best :)
Willkommen :)