Introduceyourself: Of musicians, poets and madmen... || De músicos, poetas y locos…

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¿Quién sois?, preguntó el cíclope de la cueva; y Ulises respondió: **“Soy nadie”**. Los Homeronautas sabrán de qué hablo. Me ate luego al mástil de mi barca y enfrentando grandes tormentas en la vida he ido buscando mi Ítaca. Pero como soy un animal pseudo- social me toca discernir entre sí soy Carlos Fernando Leal De San Martín o sólo parte de una unidad cósmica, me quedo con la última; sin embargo, sí, nací en un difícil parto con dos vueltas del cordón umbilical alrededor de mi cuello y un delicioso tizne violáceo, característico de quién está muriendo, sobre las manos de mi abuelo el Doctor José de San Martín, manos grandes de mapamundi multicolor que fueron contra mis nalgas neonatales para pegar el primer berracazo que aun sigo practicando sin perfeccionar.

Who are you? Asked the cave cyclops; and Ulises replied: "I am
Homeronauts will know what I'm talking about. Then I tied
myself to the mast of my boat and facing great storms in life I have
been looking for my Ithaca. But since I am a pseudo-social animal, I
have to discern whether I am Carlos Fernando Leal De San Martín or
only part of a cosmic unit, I keep the last one; however, yes, I was
born in a difficult delivery with two turns of the umbilical cord
around my neck and a delicious purplish soot, characteristic of who is
dying, in the hands of my grandfather Doctor José de San Martín, large
hands of a multicolored world map they went against my neonatal
buttocks to hit the first crash that I still continue practicing
without perfecting.*

Nací en Barquisimeto en una casa de la calle 9 de Bararida; resultado de un padre andino, viajero y una madre española, traumatizada por el grande y terrible terremoto de El Tocuyo Estado Lara Venezuela; donde tuvo que rescatar a sus hermanas, que por cierto no eran pocas. Mis primeros años los viví con mis abuelos como protectores de un ser donado en préstamo por sus padres con otro hijo entonces de un año de edad (Amado José QEPD).

I was born in Barquisimeto in a house on Calle 9 in Bararida; Outcome
of an Andean father, traveler and a Spanish mother, traumatized by the
great and terrible earthquake in El Tocuyo, Lara State, Venezuela; where
he had to rescue his sisters, who by the way were not few. My
I lived my first years with my grandparents as protectors of a being
donated by his parents with another son then a year old
age (Amado José QEPD).

Cuando a los 4 años volví con mis padres pase de ser el sol de una casa, a un satélite poco apreciado, pero con luz propia. Estudié en La Salle con los Hermanos “sabios” y luego con los jesuitas "buenos" del colegio Javier. Los estudios de bachillerato fueron terribles, tormenta constante y frustrante, lo que podía avanzar la ventisca me retrocedía. Renuncié y me fui a la escuela de artes plásticas Martín Tovar y Tovar, a los 16 añitos no más me compré una moto trial Honda 250 con el dinero ganado en mi primera exposición pictórica. Saqué alas y desde allí la sociedad ha tenido un problema conmigo y yo con ella; más yo con ella que ella conmigo, parezco Perogrullo o Cantinflas.

When I returned to my parents when I was 4 years old, I went from
being the sun of a house to an unappreciated satellite, but with its
own light. I studied at La Salle with the "wise" Brothers and then
with the "good" Jesuits of the Javier school. High school studies were
terrible, constant storm and frustrating, what could advance the
blizzard I was backing down. I quit and went to the Martín Tovar y
Tovar school of fine arts, at the age of 16 I just bought a Honda 250
trial bike with the money earned in my first pictorial exhibition. I
took wings and from there society has had a problem with me and I with
it; more me with her than she with me, I look like Perogrullo or Cantinflas.

Hice mi vida como me dio la gana sin que eso denote maldad ni delincuencia juvenil, acercándose más a la irreverencia que a la desobediencia que fue bastante. Así me mantengo, ganando fácilmente amigos y perdiéndolos con igual facilidad. Mi madre no se cansaba de decirme "Tú sí eres raro, no te gusta ni el arroz con leche". Y de verdad que no me gustan los dulces, sino el agridulce.

I made my life as I pleased without denoting evil or juvenile
delinquency, getting closer to irreverence than to disobedience, which
was enough. So I support myself, easily winning friends and losing
them just as easily. My mother never tired of saying "You are weird,
you don't even like rice pudding". And I really don't like sweets, but

Hoy soy un hombre de 59 años que camina 4 km. diarios alrededor de la casa dando 62 vueltas para sumar. Ni fumo ni bebo, a mis seres más queridos se los llevó la caña y yo escarmenté con ejemplo ajeno, cosa rara en mí, pero sucedió y a los dioses agradezco. Hoy la crisis, la cuarentena y los jodidos políticos me arrancaron el alma de un solo tajo en menos de un año.

Today I am a 59-year-old man who walks 4 km. newspapers around the
house doing 62 laps to add. I neither smoke nor drink, my loved ones
were taken away by the cane and I taught me by someone else's example,
a strange thing in me, but it happened and I thank the gods.
Today the crisis, the quarantine and the fucking politicians ripped my
soul out in one fell swoop in less than a year.

Fabrico JUGUETONES, juguetes gigantes en formato contemplativo para niños que portan chequera.

I make TOYS, giant toys in a contemplative format for children who
carry a checkbook.


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Desarrollo un cultivo experimental de Semeruco (malpighia punicifolia), fruta con el mayor contenido de vitamina C en el mundo, siendo este el único proyecto de este tipo en Venezuela en el ramo de la fruticultura.


I develop and experimental crop of Semeruco (malpighia punicifolia),
fruit with the highest content vitamin C in the world and the only project
of this type in Venezuela in the field of fruit growing.


the only field of semeruco its on lara state


No me gusta competir, por eso me invento vainas bien difíciles de hacer, sorprendentes y únicas; así me evito estar convenciendo a nadie de que lo mío es mejor, es y nada más. Lo hago porque me gusta el trabajo y no me voy por lo más fácil, eso se lo digo a los demás homínidos pensantes y rasurados. Estudié también dibujo arquitectónico y mecánico, convenientemente estudié también asistente de arquitecto.

I don't like to compete, that's why I invented pods that are very
difficult to make, surprising and unique; That way I avoid convincing
anyone that mine is better, it is and nothing else. I do it because I
like the job and I don't go for the easiest, I say that to the other
thinking and shaved hominids. I also studied architectural and
mechanical drawing, conveniently I also studied architect assistant.


Hice un chalet de montaña donde vivo feliz apartado del desadaptado mundo, (el desadaptado no soy yo).

I made a mountain chalet where I live happily apart from the misfit
world, (the misfit is not me)

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Tuve dos hijas en una segunda vuelta, Azahar (25) en España y Zarahmi (15) bella gimnasta aún en la flor de la vida. De mi primera tengo otros dos hijos Tatiana (44) y Carlitos (38) que no me paran ni bola y que me lo merezco.

I had two daughters in a second round, Azahar (25) in Spain and Zarahmi (15), a beautiful gymnast still in the prime of life. Of my first I have two other children Tatiana (44) and Carlitos (38) who do not stop me or ball and that I deserve it.

zarahmi y azahar.jpg

Como catarsis alquímica toco armónica con los mejores grupos de rock del mundo Pink Floyd, Yes, Manfred Mann, Neil Young, Púrpura Profunda, Led Zeppelin, etc., etc.; claro ellos en su c.d. y yo con un micrófono que le instaló a la planta de sonido, en vivo y es una forma de engañarme sanamente de que soy músico. Me he sorprendido a mí mismo simulando que toco ante un gran público punteando en la guitarra el tema Sácale brillo a tu diamante loco de Pink Floyd. ¿Qué bolas no?, ¡Que inmaduro!, aunque aún puede ser. Voy a robarme la guitarra de mi hermano que está en Miami sin qué madre sepa y con una pequeña ayuda de mis amigos (José Cabrera), ojalá me atreva y tenga cordura porque las cordales nunca me salieron y esas muelas son las del juicio.

As an alchemical catharsis I play harmonica with the best rock groups in the world Pink Floyd, Yes, Manfred Mann, Neil Young, Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, etc., etc .; of course they in their c.d. and I with a microphone that he installed to the sound plant, live and it is a way of soundly deceiving myself that I am a musician. I have surprised myself by pretending that I play in front of a large audience by tapping on the guitar the theme Brighten up your crazy Pink Floyd diamond. What balls not ?, How immature !, although it can still be. I am going to steal my brother's guitar who is in Miami without my mother knowing and with a little help from my friends (José Cabrera), I hope I dare and have sanity because the wisdom teeth never came out and those teeth are those of judgment.


En este nuevo proyecto que empiezo con ustedes tal vez logré hacer una pequeña tribu que salgamos a flechear a tanta unidad de carbono que andan como zombis por nuestras calles y hacer de este un mundo algo mejor, lugar común. Soy huérfano de religiones. Acojo en mi conciencia los más disparatados conceptos que después de rumiar o los escupo o me los trago completitos. Soy irruptivo por lo tanto un terraplanista convencido, porque la teoría del globo tiene muchas caídas. Quiero ser yo mismo y con ello sin ofender a nadie.

In this new project that I start with you, perhaps I managed to make a
small tribe that we go out to shoot so many carbon units that walk
like zombies through our streets and make this a somewhat better
world, common place.
I am an orphan of religions. I accept in my consciousness the most
absurd concepts that after ruminating, I spit them out or swallow them
I am therefore irruptive a convinced terraplanista, because the
balloon theory has many falls. I want to be myself and with it without
offending anyone.

Acéptenme por favor. Es bueno tener un loco en la familia a quién tirarle piedras. Además es muy terapéutico. Cambio y fuera.

Please accept me. It is good to have a crazy person
in the family to throw stones at. It is also very therapeutic.
Over and out.

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Un agradecimiento especial a @josecabrerav por su buena disposición en orientarme a como lanzarme en esta nueva aventura.

*A special thanks to @josecabrerav for his willingness to guide me on how to launch myself in this new adventure.


Welcome semeruco!
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Bienvenido, excelente post!

Que bueno verte finalmente por aqui Carlos! sabemos lo mucho que te costó publicar, bienenido a un ecosistema donde sin duda habra retroalimentación! un abrazo!

Qué fascinante introducción. Veo que tenemos muchas cosas en común, hermano. Maravillosos tus coloridos juguetes para cíclopes y gigantes. Un fuerte abrazo y bendiciones de la más eleva Luz para ti! Adiwa!

Bienvenido hermano. Rafael desde Armenia Colombia, muy bonita intro, espero leer mucho más de sus vivencias

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

You have been curated by @acurewa on behalf of Inner Blocks: a community encouraging first hand content, with each individual living their best life, and being responsible for their own well being. #innerblocks Check it out at @innerblocks for the latest information and community updates, or to show your support via delegation.

@semeruco tremendo post hermano soy pana de José Cabrera super pendiente de conocerte saludos!

Encantada con esta publicación, fan de esos semerucos y de todas tus obras de arte que tuve el privilegio de conocer desde niña, ya quiero ver los próximos posts.
PD: Quiero carne seca con arepas y natilla jaja 😘

Naaa guara de presentación. Jajaja Bienvenido a Hive. Aquí estamos muchos locos. Con gusto esperare tu sproximas publicaciones.

Un saludo, Carlos!!! Un placer conocerte. Por acá, Angel, también de estas tierras. Espero seguirnos leyendo por acá!!!

Gracias pana, eso espero seguir drenando mis ideas en esta plataforma con las posibilidades que me ofrece. Un abrazo

What a wonderful post! You have led a very interesting life and I do like those giant toys!

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Curated by @blessed-girl


@porters here on behalf of @NaturalMedicine – Hey! Welcome! A little crazy is good! That was quite the beginning but I am happy you have found your abode of choice (a lovely and unique one at that!) Love that first photo of you with your giant toy sculptures - marvelous! Love your work you are doing in developing the fruit - I'm all for having diverse sources of food! Thanks for sharing about yourself and I hope you have a wonderful HIVE experience!


We'd love you to enter our Covid 19 After The Virus Challenge
, which you can read about here. There's 100 HIVE on offer & lots of LOTUS to win!

@porters, if a little crazy haha, that's why they also say that "crazy people open the paths that wise men once follow". Grateful for the concepts about my work. Traditional toys were the fun of children of other times, yet they still remain in the collective unconscious as an archetype; reason why that inner child will always recognize it as long as we do not let it die, that is why the proposal to carry them out in a giant format makes them be closer to that inner child that lives in today's adult, who is essentially the same. And with respect to the cultivation of Semeruco it is a very interesting fruit since it contains the highest content of vitamin "C" of all fruits, in addition to the fact that it is the emblematic tree of the Lara State, a geographical entity where I live.
I visited your blog and I congratulate you it is very fresh and transmits good vibes. A greeting from Venezuela

What a beautiful introduction! Nice to meet you! Welcome to Hive. Your toys are so coool!

Goodday and Welcome to this community friend of Jose

YESS You are a new hive’er now!
I saw your #introduceyourself and its nice to meet you. We haven’t met before but that changes right now. Don’t let all the replies and bots scare you. We are nice and but a new platform but with bloggers who know the ropes. Just comment if you get scared and i Will help out.
Blogging, building and uplifting eachother is what Hive is and what its all about on this blockchain. The best part is that you could earn money to.
I love blogging, But always be carefull with all your passwords, Never give those up !!
I use Peakd to post to Hive. But is an option too.
Good luck with with hive experience and I Will See you around and may you find here what you are looking for. Just remember that all good things come in good time and never giving up is THE key to big succes on the Blockchain. Also you could join the the Terminal discord. Or visit @heyhaveyamet for more new arrivals, newbies exposure in the beginning very important.
Let me know if this was helpfull or if you need more help, see you in Discord
the Terminal. Here is the invite its free,
Greeting from the Netherlands
@ Brittandjosie

@Brittandjosie grateful for your motivating words, it is certainly a new world for me, I have always kept myself in a different field developing my talents from other spaces; I am excited to know that I have achieved a completely new way of expression for me in which I hope to flow freely with a little help from my friends. Thank you for your invitation and recommendations. Greetings from Venezuela to the North of the South of the American Continent

That’s the great thing here. You can be expressing your self in whatever way you want, and make friends . See you around

@porters, I would like to join your invitation but it indicates that it is not valid, apparently it expires, would you like to know if there is still an opportunity? Once you see that the invitation generates how long is it valid? In addition to knowing how support is for newcomers, as this is a new world for me. Thanks and attentive to the comments

Hahahah I am @beittandjosie I don’t know but here is a new one, and be welcome

Vaya presentación más sincera me ha impresionado, pues bienvenido a hive, por alguna gaveta todavía tengo alguna perinola de los hijos cuando jugaban. @semeruco que bueno que el amigo músico @josecabrerav te oriento.

Agradecido, la idea es la expresión sincera sin ofender. Todos hemos tenido en casa en alguna gaveta en el olvido pero presente esos artilugios de nuestra infancia. Un abrazo y seguiremos por estos lares.