Hello there everyone! I would like to make a proper introduction of myself so I could give the essence. This is not so easy, but I will try. So, here is what I can say :
I am a mother of two boys, married, an artist, and employed. As you can imagine, all of this is quite time consuming, asks for a lot of dedication, so one day an artist in me started struggling for her place!
My goal is to be creative every day, to analyse creativity, to learn about creative process, to see, to hear, to be inspired, to "carpe diem". I need art, and I want to give it to others seeking it. I want to speak about it, to share it with other people who understand this need. It is food.
What I have realized is: being an artist is not just a job, a hobby. No - it is a way of seeing things, a way of thinking, or living.
I drive in a bus on my way to work, with other employees, and we drive, and look through the windows. Some don't, some just talk, or read newspaper. I look at the woods by the highway, I see the shapes, colors, I see them dancing. I see birds standing on the signs, I think about making some photos, about painting a paysage, or about making a video with some music. Traveling to my work is experience that is a part of some creative action. Thinking, looking and then, making something, when I have time. Steemit looks like a right place to express myself, and make contact with people.
I would like to share sketches and process of creative thinking, looking, working. This way, moments and reflections that inspire will not stay captured in my own experience and sharing them will motivate me too!!!
As is see it it is like letting the right things in and leaving, what is not needed, out. (And that is how I came up with my nickname - semipermeabile.)
Thank you all for reading, and remember - stay creative! <3<3<3
I wish you a Happy New Year! May the creativeness be with you!
beautiful!!!!!!!!! And Happy New Year!!!!
Happy happy NY @stefaniya!
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hopefully you feel at home here. 😊welcome to steemit @semipermeabile, best regards..
Thank you @devsuraj!
First I would like to wish you a happy new year! Welcome to steemit hope it's the beginning of a long journey! I'm here for whatever you need, do not hesitate to ask for help! I will follow closely your posts and your blog updates. Will be happy if you follow @nunojesus
Obrigado @nunojesus! :)
Hallo @semipermeabile and welcome! Dobro dosla i slobodno napravi i tekst na srpskom i taguj ga, ima dosta ljudi ovde a sve nas lepo okuplja i prebrojava @lighteye :)
Pratim te, i uživam.Hej @jungwatercolor! Hvala na dobrodošlici i na ovoj divnoj preporuci <3
Хвала за представљање @jungwatercolor, али ја не пребројавам… само се трудим да повежем људе како би се боље и брже снашли на овој платформи, а све у нади да ће тако брже напустити Фејсбук, Твитер, Инстаграм и све остало централизовано :)
Izvini @lighteye na ocigledno losem izrazu koji sam upotrebila :) Desava se u virtualnoj komunikaciji..ono sto sam mislila to je da ti veoma azurno vodis spisak ljudi koji se nalaze na mrezi a dolaze iz Srbije..Izvini ako je zazvucalo malo bez veze...
Није то ништа страшно да би морала да се извињаваш, @jungwatercolor, само си ми пружила прилику да поновимо прави разлог због чега тај списак постоји :)
Хвала ти на свој подршци.
Welcome here! As a mom and artist I look forward to hearing more of your thoughts!
Hello@stonemaiden, thank you!
Hello Lovelie !
Welcome to this friendly place !
I enjoyed reading about you, I'm also mother of 3 (2 youg adults now and a teenager), an artist, and part time employee ...everything I look at is an opportunity of increasing my creativity, so I totally feel what you have explained ;-)
You are welcome to our tribe of Wonkies if you want,
we share a dailydose of cheerful creativity and colors ...feel free to join ^_^
Hey hey @barbara-orenya! Yup, we understand some things ;) So good to hear from you (A teenager...oh, my) and I am looking forward to reading your blog! :)
Happy new year and welcome to steemit :), looking forward for your next post. Cheers
Thank you @hadialhendi! Cheers!
Great intro!
I wish you a wonderful time with lots of fun and success in our great Steemit-family! :)
Thank you @pipurilla!
Welcome to Steemit, @semipermeabile!
Добро нам дошла! Чекамо да поделиш с нама своја уметничка искуства, по могућству и на српском :)
Hvala vam na toploj dobrodošlici i srećna Nova godina! :)
Welcome aboard and have fun here!
Thank you @angel35mm!