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RE: Hello, My name is Mike, and Welcome to Learn Electronics!

Hey @evyxxx, the most straight forward approach is wiring up each LED with a single output pin. Therefore 25 ouput pins are needed. I recommend using an Arduino Mega 2560 or clone. This board has enough GPIOs to get you started. Use a Breadboard to directly wire up your LEDs. Do not forget the LED series resistor for each LED to limit the current. There are LEDs with integrated series resistor.

Warning: Usually signal outputs should not be used to provide current, but your use case will not exceed the current limitations ( Atmel ATmega2560/1280/640 (MEGA) Current Specifications)

Part summary:

  • Arduino Mega 2560 or clone + USB cable for PC connection
  • a PCB universal board or breadboard usable for your 5x5 LED matrix
  • 25 LEDs with integrated resistor for 5V use
  • a set of wires