
Mm... I dunno about the 50/50.. I think 75% to someone who created the content to curate in the first place was pretty fair already..

Oh yes, An entire 10% to the proposals? From the reward pool?
Is that like, to fund blockchain development - even though with this hardfork coming it appears there is already development going on.. so I do need to look into what this new thng will be :)

Looks like you've got the gist of it. I apologize for being so succinct, it's just been talked about to death. That's not fair to not give you a proper description or at least link you to some good explanations. But, it seems you understand the basics and TBH unless you have a lot of SP it really doesn't matter too much as the rewards are negligible anyway.. I'll try to find a good explanation if you're interested though.

10% to fund dev from the reward pool yep.. The idea is to encourage the bad actors that are currently making 4x what they can from curation alone from self voting to actually curate. The entire package including free downvotes Myst be used to make this work. That's right free Flags! Everyone will get one free 100% flag to use to encourage downvotes as now there's no incentive and nothing to gain except potential retaliation.. Of course retaliation will still be a thing therefore lil ol skramatters won't be flagging any whales.. Well I might bc I dont care but I don't think my not even a penny flag will matter..

Look into creativecoin for your writing and palnet.. I'm not into the tribes but they could do good things with a real community in the future.. Smts are still needed as unlike the tribe tokens they're directly produced from the blockchain whereas the scot tribe coins are second layer and I think it's still centralised but don't quote me on that..

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh man - you're the first person who made me realise the tokens weren't native to the chain.. I was wondering what SCOT was and why it was involved - guess I should have checked that out LOL I

I was wondering why everyone was so excited about SMTs I'm like What the Fuck is the difference LOL