A little introduction post from me to you

Hello everyone, my name is @soulsurfer

I choose my Steemit user name because of the meaning of a Soul Surfer. As Brad Melekian put it in a 2005 article in Surfer magazine:

“ to pursue surfing not just as an athletic endeavor or as a sunny day diversion, but to try to glean whatever lessons you can from the practice."
“It means being aware of your surroundings, and respectful of the people and places that you interact with. It means being patient, mindful, kind, compassionate, understanding, active, thoughtful, faithful, hopeful, gracious, disciplined and...good."

Surfing gives you a deep sense of connection with yourself, it reminds you just how small you are in a large ocean. It’s a great reset for the heavy work week i've sadly gotten used to. 

Got into crypto mining back in the early bitcoin days but did not make much profit off it. I mined a few months turned off the stuff and sold all coin. It also generated additional stress and lead to a few health issues. So it was not the best experience!

I started to get back into crypto when my life changed, I had a difficult breakup with my girlfriend at the time, that took several stressful months to finish things off. 

With a little more time on my hands I slowly started to find that crypto kept my mind off things and it revived that internal entrepreneurial spirit I love! I got back into mining ETH and then found myself mining another crypto called Burstcoin. The combination of both coins worked really well since ETH is mined with GPU and BURST is mined with HDD! 

Recently approached by a few friends with interest in investing in Cloud mining I found myself analyzing Google sheets with numbers and costs. I found myself justifying each cost and at the end the risk was way too high.

Foreseeing a stressful and uncomfortable situation with my friends I reminded myself of my health issues. I decided that cloud mining was not the way for a large investment. 

Coincidentally during this thinking process I remembered Steemit!  The concept is a bit confusing at first but it is amazing once you get it! Not only is the idea of Steemit incredible it is also a great investment opportunity for my friends.

I live in Costa Rica but I have traveled enough to understand and appreciate my small country. Constant world news reminds me how special and proud I feel in being born in a country where our military budget was abolished and used for education. Its also scary but we are a happy educated country with incredible natural resources. 

I have been working in the IT field for more than 15 years. I currently work in a company which offers infrastructure as a service and also own a small web hosting company. I also dj here and there but not as much as I used to. 

Steemit’s is an amazing a disruptive concept is huge and I understand it is in its infancy, that's why I'm so grateful to have found you guys! I will be posting stuff I like and believe in, not necessarily surfing or sports but in general things I truly think could generate good content.

I would like to thank @thecryptofiend @hanshotfirst @donkeypong for all the patience and good will getting me started.

I look forward contributing to this new experience!


#steem #steemit #photography #life 


Welcome aboard! Thank you for a great introduction. I look forward to working with you as we continue to build Steemit.

Good to be on board!

I'm so exited I can't keep my finger off the up vote button 8-)


Welcome! I think you will bring a lot to the community. Have fun here!!!

You learn something every day!

"Han shot first" is a phrase referring to a controversial change made to a scene in the science fiction film Star Wars (1977), in which Han Solo (Harrison Ford) is confronted by the bounty hunter Greedo (Paul Blake) in the Mos Eisley cantina. The change was made for the 1997 Special Edition re-release of Star Wars, and has since been altered twice more. The phrase "Han shot first" is meant to express that "Han was the only one who shot", and is a colloquial retort to series creator George Lucas's explicit cinematic assertion that Greedo shot first."

Lol! Nice research!

I noticed the quote on your blog page - by Bob Marley - music is like medicine for me as well....I feel it deeply. I look forward to reading your posts. I'm fairly new to Steemit - about 2 months now and am still trying to figure it out :) All the best to you!

Hi @countrygirl ! Thank you for your kind words.

2months? So far so good huh? :)

It's a lot of work, for me anyway. I'm still trying to figure out why I'm here....how it will benefit me, and if what I have to say is interesting. A lot of self reflection goes into it....a lot of socializing with comments and with that I've met some really great people. I'm learning when to reply and when not to and when to ignore. I'm trying to still find a balance of life on here and life outside of here....a number of us joke about it being addictive.
I like to encourage people and then I have certain subject areas that I do enjoy - like photography, travel, life stories etc. I like sincerity.
Slow and easy wins the race on here I think.
It helps to remind yourself to keep your head about your own business and not worry how other's make more money on their posts than you might.
Enjoy the process.

I think your spot on! Just take it step by step and enjoy it.

Welcome @soulsurfer! I think you will love it here :)

So far so good!


Welcome @soulsurfer..... enjoy the next set of Steemit waves.....there's room for everybody... :-)

Sounds like a plan! cheers buddy

Welcome and congratulations on doing your first post:)

Welcome, looking forward to your contribution.

Welcome aboard, @soulsurfer. I thought maybe Bethany Hamilton had joined Steemit at first!! :)

Welcome friend.

Welcome, looking forward to seeing more posts from u... followed already :)

Welcome. Fantastic intro post, by the way.

Thank you @gringalicious !

What a great acct name !

One on the best image :)) thank you @soulsurfer !!

Happy New Year and welcome to Steemit! :))