The Wolf Of The South: My (Re)Introduction To Hive

Atlas Wolf Shrugged.jpg


I wrote my first post exclusively on Hive a few days back, explaining why I had abandoned Steem entirely and was now going to be only active on Hive, hopefully more so than I was on Steem at the end. However, I thought it was only appropriate that I give a new introduction about myself for the new site, even though most of my followers are the same here as they were on Steem. I still think it's only proper to do so! Plus, some things have changed in the 2 years since I joined Steem, and those deserve to be highlighted here! :)

So, let's do a proper introduction. Howdy, my name is Southern Wolf! I hold a BS in Business, which I obtained in 2019. I am most interested in the IT sphere, and I currently hold several CompTIA certifications, the most notable being Linux+. I am currently studying to obtain more certifications in networking and security (global pandemic caused shutdowns aside) and I also plan on seeking higher certifications in Linux-based areas as well. My hobbies and interests include gaming, programming, reading, meteorology, physics, philosophy, economics, data analysis, general political banter, mythology, and more. My eventual goal is to find my way into Linux Systems Administration and Development. I am a full-time Linux user, having been a Mac user for a decade prior. I am also very interested in blockchain technology, as well as decentralization in general. I think this technology will revolutionize the world (more so than it already has)

I am a fanatical individualist and a radical capitalist. I am an Objectivist, which means I hold the convictions that reality is objective, reason an absolute and is our only way to understand reality, rational self-interests are our highest moral ideals, and that this can only be achieved through a laissez-faire capitalist system. This is a philosophical system created by Ayn Rand, detailing how to live a better life on Earth while developing and understanding one's own "Sense of Life," which is a persons most personal, emotional response to existence.

I am also a Transhumanist. I fully think that radical life extension holds the key to overcoming natural death. I also think that through Transhumanism, mankind will develop the ability to radically alter our own physical forms, whether it be by way of bio-engineering, cybernetics, or even highly advanced virtual reality. My user image for all of my accounts online is no mistake. One day, using Transhumanist technology, I will seek out how to achieve such a form using whatever means are available.

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This is my personal goal in Transhumanism, and through it I seek to help achieve the broader goals of Transhumanism as well.
(I will have my paws, claws, fur, and a tail, dang it! xD )

For the Hive Network, I have my own plans. Besides writing about topics that interest me, I want to also build some services that interface with it. I had made a few for Steem a little ways back, but now I want to bring those services to the Hive Network as well. It should be easy to do, but we shall see. I will post about them when that time comes!

If you would like to find me elsewhere online, my other main accounts are as follows:

I look forward to contributing more to the Hive Network, and I look forward to seeing what this new community can do!


Are you the brother of Fire Fox?

Lol! The browser or is that actually someone? xD
(And I use #Brave, btw!)

Yeah the browser. Just joking. I use Firefox and also Dissenter of Brave.