Thanks a lot for your support, yeah I am pretty new in the community and you are right it is complicated....
Your post is really helpful, appreciate every help I can get :)
Thanks a lot for your support, yeah I am pretty new in the community and you are right it is complicated....
Your post is really helpful, appreciate every help I can get :)
I know you want to practice your English, but there is also a dedicated deutschsprachige Gesellschaft auf Steemit.
OK, I'll point you towards this lady who is statistics nerd, @paulag.
She has actually done the number crunching and here are the facts about voting trends on Steemit. The results are not what most people assume.
Voting habits of the top 200 Whales - SteemitSQL Analysis
How well do Blog Posts Really do on Steemit – Analysis SteemitSQL Database
Make sure you network with other people here who interest you. You will then get the most out of Steemit and the most help.
Schöne Grüße und viel Spaß damit. =)