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RE: My Identity theft on the Internet that led to suicide and a 1.5 billion dollar lawsuit against

Be careful this women is a scammer. Theres information her and her boyfriend Craig Grant have been making money selling her pictures to Africans by Western Union since 2004. 20/20 interviewed Avalos twice the first time she came off like she was hiding something so they refilmed it. A radio talk show host named David Rosenblatt in his show Davin's Den exposes nigerian scams. He discovered Craig Grant's facebook page that has him admitting to making money from her pictures and he is friends with some of these scammers on facebook. She was taking off the law suit because of the evidence. Links:!


Now you are jumping the gun. Your earlier post was more balanced, and I thank you for bringing that perspective and linking these actual sources that support your warning. That being said I read what the sources say, and other than subjective perception that Yuliana was acting strange, and coincidental disparition of some online video, I don't see very compelling evidence that would allow to label anyone anything. So warning well received, but let's not turn that into libel please.