
I think it may have to do with the environment. You just have to think outside the box to survive and run the daily tasks while juggling a lot of other things like the forever present extended families.

then that might explain things since I was raised in a small community, more like a village than a town.....I still live in this village experience with an extended family (extreemely rare for Americans). Villages make more sense to me than cities. Not many Americans live the way I do. So it is possible that I have much more in common with people who live in small packs, tribes, villages, small clusters....

I hear that extended families are like endangered species over there. But it's common place here. Everyone got one. Some you may never know you have till you get a call 10pm at night that someone wants to sleep over at your place. Then the caller explains he's the son of your mother's great grandmother who needed a place to pass the night!