because in early days in steemit, the nsfw was not filtered out. I was forced to look at it, and it really disturbed me, just like a lot of women have same feelings as me.
After the blow up, the devs changed the nsfw to be filtered out, hidden. But it was NOT HIDDEN in the very beginning and I was really afraid that I would not be welcome in Steemit. The reason? Because I am a woman who has a brain, an opinion and a woman who refuses to become a sex object for men. Those early days are gone. We are friends now, Tuck, I think.
I also have become very very very tolerant of sexuality, even writing about the topic. It's like I moved somewhere to the center, not really being bothered too much about porn, and all that I request is that men who victim blame and punish women for telling their stories of being raped, shut the fuck up, or just get out of steemit. Steemit is based in non-violence, so there are solutions, but abusing a victim and making her suffer is not acceptable. That's violence, actually.
I think you and I have come a long way, because I hated you in the beginning. I see you as a whole person now, and I also view you as part of my alliance. I like your work here in steemit.
Does that answer your question?
A friendship takes two and your side is entirely up to you. I'm simply asking questions. When someone downvotes me, even (or especially) a friend, I want to know why. I'm not satisfied with your answer, because nsfw was implemented long before the downvote happened, but I'll let it go and move on. :)
So someone can not be beautiful and sexy and still have a brain and an opinion??