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RE: The Day I Died - An Introduction

Woah @zingali i think its very brave of you to share your story of what you've been going through and I'm glad you're doing better now. I've also had my own share of medical scares so I can definitely relate but I'm very happy for you and i hope you have full and speedy recovery soon!


It's been 16 months so far and the biggest issue has been my brain writing checks that my body can't cash. From the neck up, I'm ready to work 60 hours a week. The rest of my body says "Nope. Take a nap!" I can't stay awake more than 5 hours at a time and it's driving me crazy. Still doing lots of tests/meds to figure out the issues. But I'm 115 lbs lighter and in good spirits. Eager for this steemit thing to grow.

That's rough...hopefully it's all up hill from here. They're still not able to identify all the issues you're having though?

Nah. I've got Anemia, Low T, Ridiculous amounts of Prolactin. All sortsa bs going on. The end result is I can stay awake for maybe 5 hours at a time and then I have to take a nap. Hard to get a job when you have 4 doctors appointments every month and on over 10 meds. I'm hoping to write a ton of stuff on Steemit and maybe earn some SBD, along the way. love to meet some folks in person, one day. Thinking about going to that Steemit conference in Vegas in a few weeks.

Dang I'm rooting for you man. Really hope you get better soon. I was looking at that steemit conference too but don't think I'll be able to make it. Please let me know how it goes if you do decide to go!

I'll be writing articles galore, if I do get to go. I think it would be cool to meet some of the people. Just trying to coordinate a ride and place to stay.