Hello Steemit! Steven here with an introductory post

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone on Steemit. I signed up about a week ago and i'm happy to be part of a growing community. Allow me to introduce myself, as this is my very first post.

Here is a picture of me. I found this while browsing through a stash of pictures in my google drive :D Sorry if the picture is a little huge >.< i'm new to this.

I was introduced to Steemit by @branlee87. We were talking about cryptocurrency and that's when he mentioned Steemit to me. It is a great platform to share your knowledge, experience and be rewarded. A special thanks to him for introducing me.

My name is Steven, 31 years old (2018), from Malaysia (peninsular). A beautiful tropical country sandwiched between Singapore and Thailand. I speak English, Malay, a little Cantonese, a little Mandarin, and a little Hokkien.  I am engaged, and had been working in a factory environment providing failure analysis and data support for 7 years. I'm recently unemployed and about to migrate to Australia in 6 days time from the writing of this post :)

My hobbies include:

1. Gaming (top of the list)

The earliest and happiest memories I had since my childhood (kindergarten) involved gaming. I remembered the very first game I played was Donkey Kong, it was in a standalone handheld device that runs on 2 button sized lithium-ion batteries. I remembered months after playing it, I dismantled the handheld device and messed around with the electronic circuit just to see what kind of reaction/glitches the game would produce. Unfortunately I destroyed the device in the process and got a good scolding from my dad (maybe spanking? can't remember). Later on in primary school, I got my hands on the legendary SNES. Ohh boy the memories.. Zelda: a Link to the Past, Super Street Fighter 2, Mortal Kombat 2, Final Fantasy 6, Super Metroid, Lufia 2, Secret of Mana just to name a few. During secondary school, the games I played was Counter-Strike, Serious Sam, Red Alert 2, Warcraft 3, Ragnarok Online. Now I am playing mostly on my PC Steam and PS4. Beyond 2 Souls, Heavy Rain, Life is Strange, Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer, Borderlands just to name a few. By the way, the picture above is Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus :P

2. Anime

I don't remember when I started watching and got into Anime, perhaps it was around post secondary school. I typically watch when my mind is too tired for gaming, which normally happens during workdays. My preference could change from time to time, meaning this month I like action and supernatural genre, but next month maybe I like romance and feels.

3. Reading Motivational Stuffs

I have to admit that a few years back, I was suffering from some form of depression. I do not know when it all started, but the experience was painful. I would constantly think in a negative way, like nothing good would happen in my life, I would keep asking why is this happening to me, I would shut myself out from the world, social activity is a drag and unnecessary. And then along something happened (sorry I don't want to mention what it is) and made me want to kill myself. I thought of some painless ways to die, and I figured maybe if I drink myself to death, it would be less painful. After all, I will just pass out and never to wake up again. I waited until my parents went out for dinner, and then I chuck a bottle of red wine in 30 mins time. Fortunately I just passed out from that and had a few times of vomiting. The experience of that vomiting was.. well.. it's as if you could easily obtain 6 packs of abs from 1 pack in a few minutes. It got my parents really worried as well, and from that experience, I had a realization, why am I doing this to myself and my beloved family? I started searching for a way out, and I found the answer. Thanks again to @branlee  for introducing me to a life coach expert Tony Robbins. I started watching his videos and eventually bought his books. From then, I felt like I gave myself a total makeover and now living a positive life :) A few key advise (credit to Tony Robbins) that changed me was:

  1. Life do not happen to you, it happens for you.
  2. People overestimate what they could achieve in a year, but they underestimate what they could achieve in a decade.
  3. Be grateful for the things that happened in your life, and your fear and anger will dissipate.

Above 3 points was an oversimplification of what is written in his book "Awaken the Giant Within". If you are interested in mastering your thoughts and emotions, do give this book a try.

4. Fitness and Health


A great way to generate positive emotion is through physical activity. As the word emotion contains the word motion. I typically enter the gym twice a week. Besides that, I also jog in a park close to my home in the weekends.  Even with these physical activities, i'm still diagnosed with high cholesterol during my annual physical checkup >.< I guess that's what you get for living in Malaysia where foods are abundant and delicious :D

5. Travel

I haven't been to many places, the one's I have been to are Indonesia, Singapore, China, and Thailand. I did not go crazy all over the world as I am saving money for migration to Australia :D however my dreams of moving to the land down under became reality in 2017 as I was granted PR by Australia :) So in the coming posts, they will be centered around Melbourne, Australia.

Well, this is it ladies and gentlemen, my introductory post ends here as I do not want to bore you with the details of my life. I imagined the coming posts from me would be (not in particular order):

  • What are the pros and cons of moving to Australia
  • What are the steps needed to apply for a PR in Australia (for an Engineer), and my experience going through those hassles.
  • Explanation on how to use the train/tram network in Melbourne. <- This one will take some time, as I will learn along the way after I arrive in Melbourne on Jan 11 :)

I will end this post with another lesser hobby of mine, that's taking picture with my GF with our stupid faces >D


This is an impressive intro. It makes me want to up my game. I have only been on #steemit for a few minutes and already feel like it's going to be fun. This is such a completely different experience from Facebook. I think you are doing it right.

Agree it is completely different to Facebook, here we can share our knowledge/experiences without the limitations with Facebook posts :)
Thanks lahvista :D let's help make #steemit community a great place. Hope you have a great experience on #steemit!

Welcome Steven! I saw the senran kagura picture followed by your post about kindergarten and had a slight shock haha. Hope you get comfortable in steemit and post more good stuff! :)

Thanks siren :D I will continue posting and support each other.

Hey. Welcome to STEEMIT! it is a rapidly developing platform. I'm also new!))

hey d-stepnoy! welcome to Steemit :D

Excellent post, bro!

Very well written and very honest!

Glad to have you on-board!

thanks bran !!


Hello !! thanks :D

Hello, a warm Steemit welcome to you!

Stay active on the site and follow, upvote and comment on other post.

There are also a lot of tools you can use that are helpful and you can find them at http://steemtools.com and find some you like.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Have fun!

Hello ! thanks :D will do :)

welcome to #teammalaysia! hoho

thanks man ! :D
nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you too!

Hi @stevenguan! Welcome to steemit! U do have quite a variety of hobbies. I like this quotes "Life do not happen to you, it happens for you" very much, its motivating! Hope to see more posts from you in future.

Those hobbis accumulate over time hahaha ;)Hi and thanks @jiafui :)

welcome to steemit! good stuff you've got there. keep blogging! :)

Welcome to Steemit.

Cool. Welcome to steemit. Hope you all the best in Australia.

Thanks papanog :D

You are most welcome. As fellow newbie in steemit, its our social responsibility to support good cause. Thanks

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment