Just a number man, but you knew that already!
That motorcycle trip sounds like a pretty cool aim, I say do it!!!
I have always believed that one of the greatest attributes that aids aging well is a solid sense of humour, you must have a good 112 years left ahead of you Brother 😁
Always great to cross paths Tom, always raises a smile.
That's 1000 miles in 24 hours :) Called an iron butt ride. I don't know if my poor old pathetic butt has another in it, but you can bet I'll find out.
Not many have done one in their 70s. It's a younger man's game.
I'm 48 in the coming week, trust me it's not this 'younger man game' lol.
You put me to shame Tom, although if anyone was going to do it, I'm glad it was you lol :D