
Thanks @swedishdragon . I would be glad if you check out my content and tell me what you think . How do i increase my reputation?

No biggy and nice to have you here :) i can atke a looksy tomorrow.
Reputation here dont actually mean mutch.. what you wnat is SP(steem-power) as thats the amount of power you hold on the blockchain ;)
reputation is gained by upv, and thats a loot of em ;) LOL i hiighly suggest, consistency!!! every day, coments/post. peopel need to have something new from you and know, its not a waist to go to your blog ;) Use the tags, choose the once, you can see are active. Talk to peopel, in my case(note this is a me thing) if you coment on my posts, i will coments back PLUS i will go to your blog and see what you got & there for also give your post a coment, i like upv, of course, buut i LOVE coments ;) Thats why we are here, to interact , IMHO... :P
You need to care for your account, and that takes time.. a LOT of time :P

very informative, how much time does it take for me to get established and people notice me and my content? how much did it took you? thanks

Hope it helped :) oooh, time? ;) im at 2years now, i didnet really get good traction until 9months ago or so..??

yes. it did help me. thanks.