Introduction and Plea from a Midwest Transwoman

Being a Transwoman in the Midwest

I live in Missouri where even with gay marriage being legal, if an employer or landlord sees/believes that someone is Gay or Transgender, they can be fired or evicted with absolutely no legal recourse. It's quite insane the vapid arguments that people think are valid to discriminate. People can think what they want, but first get the FACTS straight, and secondly at least respect them as the human being they are.

While I've not ran into too many issues myself, I directly know people this has impacted. It's absolutely mind blowing that we have to fight over and over again to conclude that discrimination is just wrong. The entire story below mirrors exactly what my city did in the 1950's, before federal civil rights for African Americans were extended. We've gone through fighting for civil rights for Native Americans, Women, Irish, Italians, Jews, Chinese, Japanese, Latinos, African Americans and now LGBT. Whose the next group the ignorant will argue who they can hate on? Can't we really get over this hump that discrimination is just wrong already?!?! It's so sad to hear the shallow arguments of those wanting to hide their want to justify prejudice upon yet another group of people.

These same baseless arguments have been used around the country (usually named a Religious Freedom Act) to prevent LGBT civil rights most notably; Indiana, Arkansas, Houston, TX, and North Carolina.

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back. How we got to today.

The issue of LGBT rights in Springfield, MO got new found life after this video of a local preacher went viral. He used the exact verbiage from when there was an argument decades ago on whether to extend civil rights to African Americans. He simply changed African American to LGBT.

Just like was done in the 1950's and 60's, after arguments over segregation, in 2012 the city started a task force to determine if discrimination was actually taking place. Reverend Calvin Morrow (the main opponent of LGBT protections) argued that there was no discrimination taking place because there were no court rulings reflecting this. Of course there are not court rulings on discrimination when there was no legal recourse available without these laws.

After two years the task force reported (as is did regarding segregation) that such discrimination DID occur and recommended the council extended nondiscrimination rights to the LGBT community. At the end of 2014 the the Springfield city council voted to expand the nondiscrimination ordinance to include Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI.) This is when the absolute craziness began just like I watched happen in Fayetteville, AR and Houston, TX.

Rev. Marrow (who doesn't even live here) and other fundamentalist mega church leaders quickly gathered the relatively small amount of signatures needed which forced the city to put the issue on the ballot on whether the LGBT protections provided by the SOGI bill to be repealed. During the campaign leading up to the vote, the pro-discrimination leaders incited fear and painted the transgender community in particular as sexual deviants, pedophiles, and fear of womens/childrens safety in the bathroom.

Even though there has been NO documented case, ANYWHERE, of a transgender person abusing anybody while in bathrooms, locker rooms, etc... the fear-mongering and straight out lies worked and SOGI/LGBT protections were repealed upon the very close April 7, 2015 vote.

Being absolutely dejected after the 6 months of LGBT non-discrimination laws being on the books, it was very strange to even go out the next day. With all the fear-mongering that went on, especially with the demonizing of the transgender community, I was somewhat scared to even go out of my home. Was I going to be kicked out of businesses, prevented from using the women's restroom to pee, or worse?

I did manage to get out for the gathering on our downtown square to demonstrate/protest against the repeal of local LGBT protections (and I'm not usually a fan of large crowds.) This gathering was absolutely amazing, everybody being friendly, supportive and loving. The feeling of just being there was wonderful.

I beg of anyone who has a similar anti LGBT vote or issue to at least try to get an understanding of whats going on, who's being effective, and what is empty propaganda. Transgender people are not demons, sexual deviants or pedophiles. If we are in the bathroom its just because we need to pee! Lesbian and gay rights have greatly progressed since the 80's, now easily able to make the argument that someone you know and love is gay. I beg you to get to know a transgender person before passing judgement or even casting your vote.

I'd love to answer any questions or hear experience from others.





Heyas. Thanks for checking this out. It's obviously a topic that's very meaningful to me.


Hiya! Thanks for checking this out! Any questions or comments on the topic? I really don't get offended and it's something I'd love see conversations start

No questions just enjoyed reading something different!

Absolutely no problem. I like to at least offer. Thanks again for reading

Thanks for posting this! I have relatives in Missouri who know what you're going through. Not all of them are on your side, but we're working on opening their minds/hearts to people who are different. Keep your spirits up!

Thank you so much for the support. It'll get there. Just sad we've gotta wait for the old guard to die out.

I don't know what to say. It's just horrible to hear such discrimination takes place at present in the "developed" world. It just doesn't make sense to me, why anybody should care of anyone's gender? My best friend (when not counting my girlfriend) is gay. You have my (at least virtual) support!

developed world? here in italy people still look bad at 2 guys or 2 girls kissing. Where is the developed world you are talking about

Specifically, this story is about Springfield, Missouri, USA but many other cities and states around the usa have been dealing with the same thing. Murder rates towards transgender people are at an all time high, actually increasing since there's been more media coverage on the issue. Right now the murder+suicide rate for transgender people in the US is over 40%, which is really insane when thought about.

Very much appreciated @hr1. I don't want to paint a purely negative picture of my town, it has gotten WAY better just since I moved here about 20 years ago. So many people here are either a part of or an ally of the community. The vote was nearly 50/50, which is quite a jump from years back. Honestly, the demonizing of the transgender community, implying that all trans people are predators after the children (Think of the children!! *facepalm) had a big part to do with it. I tried to find a picture of the 'Don't let men in the womens room' banners they had up around town.

It really is sad when think they're being affronted by a minority existing, when in reality it's that person not being willing to accept that there are ways other than their own. Anyway, I'm currently working on a piece that's a little more about my actual 'Gender Journey' that should be ready in the next day or two.

Thanks for the support! It's appreciated, virtual or not :)

Ha! There you are! I was wondering when you'd be posting your introduction. Glad to see you on here. Just saw @giftedgaia 's introduction as well. Really glad you both decided to come over.

Tyty! Yea, been posting for a few days now. All that utopia stuff you've heard me talk about for years...there's some good discussion going on in this thread/post:

I finally got a verification pic for you all.


Thank you :)

It's been a while, but yea, I've unplugged. Just not in that that phase right now. Lol

Hiyas @gunpower! Thanks for checking out this post. This has been something i wanted to share for a while