This is it! I am now part of Steemit! So, here I am!

Hi there! My name is Sean Wang and my current pen name is Tad Strange based on one of the most highly speculated characters of a cartoon based on mysteries that turned out to be a complete disappointment. Hopefully, I won't be such a disappointment. Currently, I am writing this entry being serenaded by the sounds of loud bass music being played in anticipation of the Thaipusam festival that is happening in two days. Forgive me if I try to offset my irritation with as much humour as possible.

As you can see based on the above image I love food; both eating it and making it. That explains why I have packed on many pounds. Pounds of which I intend to lose so I can do my other hobby - cosplay. I have plans to cosplay as a very short character around June which is ironic as I am probably the tallest human in my group. I guess it is like the Gimli thing all over again, shortest character but also the tallest actor.

Since I like dressing up, I have worked with the Sudden Impact! Entertainment Company during their Nights of Fright events for the past three or so years. It was definitely a rewarding experience that I would recommend to anyone. Working for them helped me with my anxiety issues and confidence issues. Working in a haunted house (and as a wandering monster) has also given me a profound interest in horror and the macabre. (Even though I am still easy to scare)

Thus, this brings me to my final and most important hobby - writing. I used to write a lot as a teenager but I have fallen off the wagon many times due to lack of interest or motivation. My main genre used to be Fantasy especially as I was getting into the lore of my favourite card game, Magic: The Gathering. Now, I have decided to traverse lost horizons by venturing into the dark void of the horror genre. My first horror series will be published here on a sporadic basis depending on reader interest.

The horror series is called Inside the Company, a semi-interactive horror story. This story is interactive in the sense that YOU the reader are a character in this story. The reader functions as a means for the main character, Michael Macready, to have contact with the outside world. Thus, readers are to roleplay as concerned citizens, helping Mr Macready survive The Company.

What is the Company? You'll have to find out yourself by helping Michael ask the right questions at the right time or encouraging him to take certain actions. Be wary though. Some actions might kill Michael and end the story prematurely. In which case, should the main character of Inside the Company die, the "season" ends on the spot. What comes after... that will be a surprise!

Another project that I wish to bring to Steemit is my old blog, Sean's Sharings. Since it would be boring to just write about spooky dooky stuff, I thought it would be fun to bring back my habit of writing reviews for things like food, movies and games. Keep in mind, I may not necessarily review the latest things because I have a habit of falling behind the times. But I do take requests! So, let me know if you are interested in asking me to review a movie you like or a restaurant you own. (Don't worry, I am not that entitled to ask for a free meal, you can bribe me with good service) Besides, most of my reviews are generally positive unless something hits the fan realllllllllllly hard.

Alright, now that business is out of the way. Let me introduce myself further.

Yes, I am a hybrid. Not the kind that consumes both electricity and oil but rather I am a mixed race person. I am both a Malaysian Chinese and a White New Zealander. My mum is my greatest inspiration as she has devoted her entire life for other people by working with many charitable organisations while I was growing up. Hopefully, one day I could find that same compassionate passion that she has. I don't know much about my father as he didn't really participate much in my life but that is really a story for another time and it is a story that I wouldn't have the privilege of sharing on a public space like this, for obvious reasons.

So, like I said, I am a Malaysian. Malaysia is the little tumour looking thing hanging off South East Asia. We are home to the greatest leaders and, recently, apparently, the greatest graphic designers too! We have had many magical feats including making things disappear and appear. However, my political views shouldn't be much of a discussion here. I would still say that I am proud Malaysian but I would not say that I am a nationalist. I am all for global governance (as dystopian as it sounds) as I feel that if done right, it would lead to an era of peace and prosperity. Unfortunately, I am a realistic optimist. (Ironic, I know) I have high hopes for the future as I believe humanity as a whole has great potential but at the same time, human greed is a force to be reckoned with.

Anyways, let's get off the heavy stuff. How did I get here? I started off in the Chinese Education system, went to one of the more prestigious chinese secondary schools in KL. Then, I flunked a year. This failure lead to me going to an international school. This school reshaped who I was and made me into a Straight A student! Now, I am studying locally for an Australian degree so I can learn marketing and business law. I love marketing as I enjoy learning how the human mind works when it comes to buying and selling things. I don't love business law but it is a necessary safety net as when you know the law, you are better off when it comes to survival and knowing your rights.

As said earlier, I worked in a haunted house. Before that, I worked in a comic book shop, selling board games. Now, I work in the advertising and promotions department for a mall as an intern. Well, at least until next Monday. At that point, I will be having a short holiday before the second half of my second-year starts!

Now, what else is there to say? Ah! Why did I choose to join Steemit of all places? I will be honest. I came here because I was hoping to earn a little with my writing as I am nowhere near being a published author. However, I do enjoy writing and like the Joker said, "If you are good at something, never do it for free."

I am an advocate for usage of cryptocurrencies, having invested in many over the past year. Unfortunately, I sold off all of my current cryptos to buy a new desktop as my laptop's hard disk finally died on me.

Anyway, apologies for rambling on for so long. I hope everyone enjoys what I write! Peace out!


Great post, man! You can really write. Doesn't mean much coming from an amateur but I was entertained.

I grew up loving High Fantasy as well. Books by R.A Salvatore and David Eddings were my go to. Artemis Entreri FTW!

Glad to have you on board the SteemIt platform and hope to see your next post soon :)

I grew up mainly with the likes of Rick Riordan (I know, not the most sophisticated but I love blending myth and fact). Thank you for your compliment! Wherever there is a compliment, I'd take it haha :P

Hello Sean ! Looking at that picture of you, I think we have the first official zombie joining the Steemit community. 😁 Welcome! and thank you for sharing your story

Haha maybe I can do some makeup tutorials in the future too.

Welcome to Steemit. Go Sean!! Keep on writing! Excellent job!

Am very hungry right now

So am I!

I know you are there how can this meal reach me?

Lol, hybrid.. At one point I thought you were a Demi-god (Rick Riordan reference). Glad to have you on board! My best years were in NZ, which part of NZ does your parent hail from?

My father hails from Wellington! I've been to NZ twice, once to wellington and once to Auckland. Went to the LOTR sights.

Awesome to have you on board Sean! If you are looking for some side jobs, let me know! I could do with someone like yourself helping me out :)
And yes, you can write and you should earn from it!
PS: I love that zombie shot of you! Damn! Zombie makeup tutorials - let that be your niche! :)
You earn more when you have a niche, instead of competing with everyone else

My niche will be horror I guess but I will still be posting about my other passions (for my own sanity's sake). What sort of side jobs are you talking about?

A bit late but welcome to Steemit @tadstrange. Awesome introduction post. It seems like we could expect lots of good post from you. I'm looking forward to that interactive horror series you mentioned - it sounds really cool!

Thanks :) There will be more to come ;)

Good to have you here mate! Agree with you on joker. Also my main reason to be here :)

Yeah always do whatever you are proud of and don't do it for nothing!

Hi Hi Hi! Scary zombie! One of my colleagues loves cosplay too! He is also super into Star Wars...

Oh! That's cool. Star Wars is a fun cosplay too. I have a friend who did Asajj Ventress

My colleague is the Darth Vader... :D

Ooh Darth Vader is a fun cosplay. Quite expensive haha

Yes. Die hard fans he is... 😁

Great intro Sean. Love your writing, good blend of humour and some bits of serious stuff. Keep writing!

Thanks for your kind comments

@tadstrange Welcome to Steemit. Ramble away and yes, earn some steem while you're at it. Upvoted and followed you.

Thanks for the follow :D

teammalaysiawelcome to steemit @tadstrange .. great to have you onboard

Thanks for the encouragement :)

We would be happy to have you as part of The STEEM Engine, but when I went to upgrade you I could not find you in Discord.

Catweasel for The STEEM Engine.

Heyyaaa. And thank you for bringing me here.