Sobre el valor del arte

“El arte del saber vivir, le da significado a nuestra miseram existentiam ”
Este espacio se verá reservado amigos/as, en pos del arte, principios culturales, arqueología, antropología, ciencia y medios de expresión culturales de los antiguos.
Así viva la llama del arte que vivifica el espíritu y reivindica nuestra razón de ser, de vivir…
Citando al insigne Leonardo de vinci:
“la belleza muere en la vida, pero es inmortal en el arte”
This space will be reserved friends, in pursuit of art, cultural principles, archeology, anthropology, science and means of cultural expression of the ancients.
So alive the flame of art that enlivens the spirit and vindicates our reason for being, for living...
Quoting the distinguished Leonardo de vinci:
*"beauty dies in life, but it is immortal in art".
Este espacio se verá reservado amigos/as, en pos del arte, principios culturales, arqueología, antropología, ciencia y medios de expresión culturales de los antiguos.
Así viva la llama del arte que vivifica el espíritu y reivindica nuestra razón de ser, de vivir…
Citando al insigne Leonardo de vinci:
“la belleza muere en la vida, pero es inmortal en el arte”
This space will be reserved friends, in pursuit of art, cultural principles, archeology, anthropology, science and means of cultural expression of the ancients. So alive the flame of art that enlivens the spirit and vindicates our reason for being, for living...
Quoting the distinguished Leonardo de vinci:
*"beauty dies in life, but it is immortal in art".
For my part I could soon share the fact of having intrigues in these aspects mentioned, from the natural to the "UNEXPLICABLE" phenomena of nature, which are no mystery to the connoisseur. I am a student, self-taught in terms of learning, and I am currently studying agroecology, a subject that, without further ado, touches on certain ethnic and cultural aspects for the preservation of our environment, natural fauna, taking into account the wisdom of our ancestors in the way of tilling the land and working the land, livestock, of healing and curing with what nature gives you, etc... I am (as they say over there) young of 21 years and that in addition the sign of virgo rules me... famous writers born under the above mentioned sign over there known, I could mention Johann Wolfgang V, Goethe (22-10.1749 / 22-03-1832. Frankfurt am Main Germany) Playwright, novelist, philosopher, poet, novelist..., Writer, of the well-known edition that under its atoria made known to the world as monumental work of universal literature, of the "FAUST" terrible Drama of the appearance of "Mephistopheles" to the main character, "Dr. Fausto" whose life will be changed at a time of terrible trials and crises, before his "eternal love" MARGARITA. Certain symbolism that will remind us of relevant issues such as the need for human beings to acquire knowledge, the constant anguish of filling an emptiness inside, in the immersion in the vices and vacuums of the world. We met this platform at the invitation of an acquaintance of ours, a teacher, tutoring English and working online, here we present crochet works, etc. ...
Dr. Fausto (wikipedia)
Imagen de internet
Los hechos vienen a indicarnos que ya no hay vuelta atrás, nos queda es poner de nuestra parte, cambiando nuestro estilo de vida, a algo mas cercano a nuestras raíces…
así pues, De las ricas piezas de arte rupestre, ornamental, en piezas de arqueología, en antropología encontradas…
De las ciencias tales como el estudios anatomicos de nuestro complejo “laboratorium” asi de bellas obras de arte en arquitectura renacentista, etc.
Tales motivos serán vistos en nuestro blog… Taller AGNI… Escritos de arqueología, artes, ciencias, en estudios para interés del conocedor.
So from the preservation of the environment in which we live, we as humanity must ensure to preserve the environment in which we are involved because not only we are affected, but the life that inhabits it, and so our actions, what we do or fail to do, affects the environment and the environment... Have you ever wondered if it is possible to change the environment? ...
The facts come to indicate that there is no turning back, we have to do our part, changing our lifestyle, to something closer to our roots ...
So, from the rich pieces of rock art, ornamental, archaeological and anthropological pieces found...
Of the sciences such as the anatomical studies of our complex "laboratorium" as well as beautiful works of art in Renaissance architecture, etc...
Such motifs will be seen in our blog... AGNI Workshop... Writings of archeology, arts, sciences, in studies for the interest of the connoisseur.
(Paseo los museos, caracas, al lado de teatro teresa Carreño, foto tomada por mi en teléfono Redmi 9)

Elaboración, técnica lápiz seco sobre hoja tintada
Gracias por llegar al final, estimados lectores filosóficos y gentes sedientas del saber.
diseños, elaborado en Canva.com e imágenes de internet.
Translated with DeepL.com