Do you enjoy a soulful read with inspiration? A friend recently asked the following question: "To my friends with college degrees: Are you currently working in a field that required a degree? And if so, is it the field you studied?".
I found this to be an interesting line of question and wanted to use it as a focused way to begin sharing a little about myself and the path I choose to live.
During early adulthood, I learned that I was pregnant with my first child and this was 'the life changing experience' that inspired me to further my education, as a means to be the "provider" my baby was going to depend on me to be.
Growing up, I was the older sister to a brother afflicted with Spina Bifida and Chiari Malformation and while I wasn't set on a career path at that time, It was my relationship with my brother, that inspired me to want to make a difference in life.
I didn't know how, what or when...but I knew that "making a difference" was going to be part of my living equation; and I stayed in this open and undecided state until learning I became pregnant and it was then that something inside me "clicked".
Being pregnant with my daughter, was the igniting spark (in my living equation) that put me in motion, to buckle down and figure out who I wanted to be and what I wanted to do with my life.
I wanted to enroll as a Physicians Assistant but the school would have been a challenging commute during my third trimester, so I opted to enroll in a Medical Assisting program that was closer to where I lived.
The most challenging part of school was having a reading comprehension "challenge", but having an amazing brother (who happened to be paraplegic) I learned some truly valuable (and priceless) life lessons.
My brother taught me that just because he couldn't walk, didn't mean he couldn't motor himself around. He just motored "different" from everyone else; (he used a wheel chair) as his mobility "tool" and it worked perfectly for him.
Being an outside the box thinker and "learner", I had to figure out a learning style that resonated with me.
Amongst my learning styles, I figured out that I am an audio learner, a visual learner with imagery and a tactile/hands-on experiential learner.
If you're wondering where I am going with this, here it is...
I wanted to apply myself, challenge myself and I wanted be a good student; so I used a tape recorder (as my "tool") to get myself through medical assisting school.
I recorded myself reading the study material and then after I finished reading out loud and recording all the material ...I would play it back, 'to hear' the material I needed to study.
I struggled with some major failures in school growing up, but with this click and changed, I graduated (with a 4.0) as a certified Medical Assistant and I fulfillment of my externship in pediatrics.
I felt like this was a big accomplishment but...there's always a but...
While Western Medicine certainly has its place, it wasn't speaking to me as being the direction I wanted to pursue in life, as a career choice.
Having grandparents who were organic gardeners, I leaned to healthy eating habits, which in turn opened the door to holistic healing and various natural healing modalities.
Moving forward, I coupled Eastern philosophies and studies with Western Medicine; which ultimately helped me "to develop" a well rounded perception of "balance".
I lived in the ebb and flow with creation and as my life path 'changed', my interests for learning expanded in way that was as equally as whimsical as I was.
I researched and studied everything that was interesting, relevant and/or simply mind bending.
From culture and philosophy, to ancient script, religions of the world, quantum physics and the primordial nature of "Life" itself;
Creation inspires me to want to learn; and at the core of my being, I was an artist who turned to both (life and nature) as my greatest teachers.
I studied herbalism, aroma therapy, meditation, sacred geometry, quantum entanglement, Vibrational Healing with Tibetan Singing Bowls, Tai Chi, Qigong and sensory deprivation martial arts (all were valuable but none were for any type of certification).
From there however, I did develop a sense of focus and I added to my credentials: Reiki Mastership, Sound Therapist and Teachers Trainer using Tuning Forks...and Certified Massage Therapist.
(Ironically though, I went to school to become a certified massage therapist, who didn't actually want to be a massage therapist).
What I really wanted was to develop a deeper and detailed physical and mental understanding of the human structure and system functions; for purposes related to natural healing, visualization and mental discipline.
In my late 20's I was blessed with the opportunity to take over an Art Study/Gallery, with a spiritual/natural healing vibe; and by mid 30's I made my first real estate investment and opened another Art Studio/Gallery; in a rural mountain community.
With life and nature continuing to be my greatest teachers, I raised my children with daily creativity, adventure...and no television.
Don't get me wrong through all of this, I most certainly experienced more than my life's share of extreme hardship and overwhelming adversities; but instead of sharing the painful details of my actual experiences, I'd rather share the instrumental journey and inspired outcomes of where my path led me. coming full circle back to the original question:
Are you currently working in a field that required a degree? And if so, is it the field you studied?".
I'd like to begin closing with the following....
While my educational background never really manifested into a specific career did inspire me "to grow", contemplate life goals and to pursue being a "quality of life" advocate with socially conscience values.
With consideration of my Art Studio/Gallery, it has been a successful "outlet" for healing and creativity (and when coupled with my education) my journey led me to public speak nationally on topics that include:
"Depression, PTSD, Suicide and How Art Helps Heal'.
Then from a totally different perspective...When I set all my education aside...
I use my natural creativity and inspiration to recycle, refurbish, upcycle and keep 'quality usable resources' out of landfills; I refurbish furniture and create eclectic treasures from "junk"; which later intuitively evolved into making larger investments like (buying, selling, fixing, flipping and renting) real estate.
Life has been a whirlwind of an adventure and I've "learned" that when I appreciate life for it is and when I pursue doing what I am passionate about doing, I don't really feel like I "Work"; But more so, I feel like I experience life on my terms, with appreciation for life itself; using all of my potential.
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Welcome to this incredible platform, hope everything will work out for you. Being here it’s not easy but not difficult neither only an extra effort will go a long way, engagement is the key good luck I’m @tinashe Start by Following ,Upvoting &Resteeming people and they will do the same.
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Welcome to the platform, I wish everything work out for you. It’s not easy here but not difficult neither but just ask an extra effort, engagement is the key good luck I’m @goodaytraders Start by following people and they will do the same.