Hello everyone, my name is Tamara and I'm a journalist from Croatia

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)


Pleased to meet you Steemians, I'm Tamara and I am from a small country in central Europe. It is known for it's lovely nature and a thousand islands (and Game of Thrones was filmed here).

My name means „palm tree“ in Hebrew and I didn't even know that until 2 days ago, when a drunk guy told me that as something which was supposed to sound attractive.

This is my first day on Steemit and I'm still learning. I was introduced to Steemit from my coworker @leonarda while we were drinking coffee on a work break. I decided to join because I love writing and creating content. I want to spill out my thoughts and also to spend my free time usefully.

I'm currently working as a television journalist. I cover field stories but I also host a live studio show covering all sorts of topics - from politics, health, music to sports. I love my job and I think I found the perfect profession for me, because I don't like having more than 2 days off. I start missing it! Sometimes I am in front of the camera, sometimes behind it and sometimes I'm in a bar watching myself and covering my ears.



I also love traveling and taking nice pictures and I'm interested into politics and history. So these are the topics I will mostly write about, because I don't have a dog, boyfriend or kids lol. I enjoy taking pictures, but also editing them. I am an amateur in photography and mostly like taking traveling pictures.




I love 90's movies, good food and white wine. A glass of wine a day, keeps the doctor away. I'm a fashion junkie, which is not a very crypto-behaviour, but hey, I'm being honest here.

I'm also a big goofball and not a member of the Flat earth society.


I was waiting for my approval mail more than 2 weeks and I'm so excited to be here finally. I hope I will make great friends and learn many things. I don't care where you are from or what you do, as long as you are a positive and honest person.

So, good-hearted Steemians, nice to meet you!


Welcome to STEEM! You can't imagine how much I love Croatia - The coast + the old towns are so magical! Resteeming you for some extra publicity! Greets ;)

thank you so much :)))

Go, girl! 💝

Bok @tammizzle pridruži nam se na novo podignutim Discord serverima za Hrvatske i Balkanske Steemit korisnike detaljnije o ideji možeš pročitati u linkovima ispod, tamo se mozeš educirati s ostalim Steemit korisnicima s našeg podneblja i pitati što god te zanima.

O Hrvatskom Serveru:

O Balkanskom Serveru:

  • kada dođeš tamo neka ti je isto ime @tammizzle kao i ovdje radi lakšeg raspoznavanja
  • Ostavi link svog Steemit profila u kanal #hrv-steemit-accounti i #balkan-steemit-accounti
  • Javi se u kanal svoje županije/države (npr. grad-zagreb, hrvatska, šibensko-kninska, srbija itd...) s pozdravom da se zna gdje živiš (u svrhu županijskih/državnih okupljanja i rasprava)

(ispričavam se ukoliko si već tamo, ako jesi napiši u komentar da izbrišem ovu obavijest)

Odlično...puno ti hvala na ovome. Pridružit ću se svakako

Hey Tamara! Thanks for joining us here on steemit. I have no doubt you will go far here. There seems to be quite a bit community of people from Croatia on Steemit now! Be sure to connect with them and support each other. Great to be connected. I'll be following you for updates :-)


Haha hvala. Još sve proučavam!

Hello Tamara and welcome to Steemit ^_^ Hope to have great time here :)

giphy (6).gif

Thank you :)))

Welcome to steemit @tammizzle. Join @minnowsupport project for more help. Checkout @helpie and @qurator projects.
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Hi, Tamara, I follow a lot of journalists on other sites like FB and Twitter, so why not here? I just joined Steeemit myself. I'm a lawyer, but I did study journalism back in college. Welcome to Steemit!

Hi, I see you are from the Sunshine state. I visited Florida last year for the first time. Welcome to Steemit too and good luck with posting!

Here is my first upvote to you follow, me for many more!!


Couldn't submit a comment before on d.tube ... maybe it works here! Have a great day, @tammizzle :)

I saw the first picture you put, and I immediately assumed that you had to work in front of a screen, excellent presentation, it is interesting to have a reporter here in Steemit, I hope you have great success in your professional career and in this community. Welcome to Steemit!

Thank you so much 😁

Welcome to Steemit @tammizzle!

I wish you much success and hope you find Steemit to be as rewarding and informative as I have.

Here are some links you might find useful.
Your stats on SteemNow
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How to use Minnow Booster
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Introbot is hosted and managed with donations from @byColeman to help make your journey on Steemit be truly rewarding. Your feedback is always welcome so that we may improve this welcome message.
Oh yea, I have upvoted you and followed you. Many blessings from @introbot & @bycoleman

Hi Tamara I ama journalist too

A big HELLO from another Steemit noob.

Hello, nice to meet you :D

Mali tip😁Promijeni tagove; intoducemyself, indroduction, introduce

jesam...sad cemo vidjeti sta ce se zbiti :D

Welcome on steemit, @tammizzle! Glad to see a new Croatian face on here (and a famous one it seems haha!), there are already quite a lot, contact @matejka13 for more info :D

Haha thank you, the Croatian community is growing :D

Welcome, happy to see you here 👱🏻‍♀️😊😘

Hvala :) rekla sam Marge da sam reestemala neku matejku jer se još učim. A kaže ona: to mi je sestrična haha

Hahah, neka, neka, drago mi je za resteem, makar i zabunom 😺 Btw, divna ti je ova opening fotka!

Hvala :))

Welcome. I pray things turn around for you. Good luck!

Hello Tamara, welcome to Steemit! Your pictures are amazing! I hope you can get a lot of support here, greetings from Venezuela ;)

Hi, thank you for the kind words :)

Full-time steemit when?

Welcome and don't pasti sa ruba Zemlje :)

Držat ću se zubima :D

Hi Tamara how are you? Really nice intro, i love it ! I would like to connect with other cool and creative steemians. I’m posting music tutorials and other things related to music (and bitcoins:p). I’m the founder of the free music school communicasound. I'm really pleased to meet you. So i give you my vote, follow you and i will be happy to read your next posts in the futur. If you want, you can do the same and follow me. It’s important to have a family in Steemit :) Greetings from Paris. Peace.

Hello, thank you for the support. I followed you too :)

welcome and hope you have a good journey on here :)

thank you ;)

Welcome to the family!

Thank you :D

Hello and welcome from Austria! 🙏
I hope you'll have a pleasant and successful stay here!

Thank you neighbor :)

Hey girl, I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold, and you are beautiful and I love your smile and your attitude in life and I love your photos because they are fun and the world does seem to be round and not flat, haha. But I do like to listen to people talk about the theory of a flat earth. I like philosophy and the Game Of Thrones. Welcome.

Welcome Tamara! Looking forward to reading more about you and Croatia. Heard a lot of good things about it.

thank you for the kind words

Welcome to Steemit Tamara! You look gorgeous, it is very nice to see you here :)) Have a great time.

Hello Tamara!

I dobro došla i još bolje nas našla ;)

Hey Tamara, nice to see more interesting people joining the platform. Looking forward to your posts! I see you already started on a great foot! Uzivaj i sretno! Ako sta treba , pitaj slobodno! See ya around! :)

Hvala puno :) već sam se uključila u ove neke Croatian grupice po FB i Discordu da malo vidim kako to ide :D

Dobrodosla, jesi na discordu u balkan steemit association?

Evo upravo sam napravila account. Isto se zovem tammizzle, može invite link?

Poslat cu ti u DM, ne mogu te naci preko imena, koji ti je onaj tag (broj) dolje u lijevom kutu? Probaj ti mene naci 0288 ili positivity420

Ne mogu ni ja tebe. Pise mi #2903

Poslao sam ti friend request

Pozz Tamara. Dobro nam došla...
Nemoš virovat, al neki dan san baš tia slikat sliku sa malin atlasom i maskon od Guy Fawkesa :D Imam i ja jednu doma spremnu od 2010e :) Patientlly waiting... :P

Sritno ti i guštaj ;) Luka

Haha super! Moramo onda napraviti neki Anonymus "announcement post".

Ova slika je spontano nastala jedne subote oko 4 ujutro nakon par gin tonika.

Haha ja sam za, introduction anonymous post hahaha

DA da, znam te slike koje tako nastaju :) al dobro si se snašla pa sakrila iza maske :)

Znači li to što si se htio slikati s atlasom da si možda ravnozemljaš haha

Točno to, atlas mi je služio kao sarkazam hahha :D Meni je sve ravno xD

Welcome! I'm also love history, politics, and health. I look forward to seeing your future posts.

Thank you for the welcome. I see you are also fresh to steemit blogging, so good luck too :)

Welcome!! I am also a huge white wine fan and do believe it keeps the doctor away ;) enjoy your stay here!

hahah thank you, wine connecting people :D

if you are a sauvignon blanc girl, we are becoming besties LOL

wellcome for joining steem

Добро нам дошла на Стимит, @tammizzle :)

Hvala ☺

Dobrodošla! :)

Hvala hvala :D