Some words to me

I'm Lars from tante.emmas.weed. I startet in the year 2014 to be a cannabis activist in germany. So I startet an Instagram feed about cannabis education content. A few months ago the DHV (German Hemp Association) startet a legalize pedition for the german Bundestag. At this moment I growed my community to over 10k followers, so I decide to use my community and get some signatures for the pedition. And my community collectet 412 of them. It makes me so proud that we could realize so much if we work together.

Tante emmas Weedshop Logo.jpg

So 10 days before I writing this Post I found a intersting video about steemit. I decided that steemit would be a great platform to reach a higher community. Now I'm here I tryed out steemit and I'm so excited about this community that I can't believe it. :D
This social network can help me grow my earnings, that I can do more for the legalization in germany and europe .


Okey, what I do. If you visit my blog you will found many tutorials, recipes, strain infos and news about Cannabis. I post that to show the people how useful the plant is. Its not only consuming marijuana , it is agricultural economy,
an important material and so much more.


If we all work together we can bring all countries the legalization and can stop a senseless war against a usefull plant.
Leve a comment if you have some questions :D


Hello back atcha

welcome here wish you have a good time

Hi Lars, willkommen auf Steemit! Top Thema und klasse Einstellung und Engagement ;)

Vielen, vielen Dank :D Ja irgendwo muss man ja anfangen ^^

Hey friend! I am trying to do the same here in the US, we should collaborate

that sounds great :D you have Instagram?