Hello, I was a new family in the community steem

My name is Taufik Riadi, i am 20 years old , i am from indonesian and my hobby is photography and traveller.

I really like photography. for me photography is a part of my life.
I will share some of the photos and the location where the photo was taken.

Location : indrayanti beach, Gunung Kidul, DIY

Location : Curug Pelangi, Cimahi, Jawa Barat

Location : Beach West , Pangandaran, Jawa Barat

About me:

I was a student, photographer and traveler from Indonesia. I sometimes also be a tour guide for my friends who come from outside the region and state. I love the mountains and the sea. if you come to Indonesia I could be a tour guide for you. we'll have fun together. I really wanted to go to the Caribbean but I do not have sufficient funds.

I think that the steemit community is the best. I hope to get a lot of friends here so I can walk around with you. I am also a trader bitcoin and professional game players. if you play blade and soul or dota contact me. we can play together.

MyFB : https://www.facebook.com/taufikriadi.shugami


Welcome bro! and this is beautiful place!

thanks bro. come to my place

Welcome to Steemit. Beautiful photos!

come to indonesian

yu, komunitas steemit indonesia bangunkan