Welcome to the platform. Keep posting daily, when you comment on other people's post make sure you are making relevant comments, don't ask people to come and view your page in comments or for follows, it is seen as tacky and begging and frowned upon in the community. Use the search bar to look up answers to your questions, if you have then so have others and posts have been made about them. At first limit your voting, you only get so much voting power per day and about 10 votes is what is suggested for new users, till your Steem Power is built to where you gain your slider, once you gain your slider you can set your vote to %'s and vote lots more.
If the Earnings are slow at first don't be discouraged, Just be yourself and find the micro community where you are comfortable and fit in. If you post and comment daily, and stick around for the community slowly those rewards many come for will show themselves. Again welcome to the platform.
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