Ted Laskaris here.

I am a Greek of the Diaspora.

Old hand at blogging. Very early adopter when floppy disks were still in use as main storage medium.

Background in private and government sector.

Maniacal book collector.

My first Internet connection I obtained in February 1995.

Netscape was big then.

I am currently connecting via my 19th desktop big box.

I have no hobbies (book collection is not a hobby, it is a need).

I hate traveling, although I've done more ocean crossings than I care to remember.

Exercise was never my forte -- but I do walk 45 minutes every day.

I prefer temperate climates. Beach, burning sun, etc not my top items on the list.

I love rich food but I have been ordered to stop it.

I now have one free day every week.

I am a dog and horse person.

I have good memories from a Greece that does not exist any more.

I will be posting mainly on Greek affairs.

Glad to be on board.