Haloo steemian,,!!!
Sekian lama telah saya mengenal akun steemit saya sangat tertarik menggunakan akun steemit ini.
Saya mengenal akun steemit ini dari teman saya @dayatsiaulia dan @basristeemit dengan adanya mereka saya dapat mempelajari media platfon steemit ini secara detail oleh bimbingan mereka.
Haloo steemian ,, !!!
For a long time I have known my steemit account is very interested to use this steemit account.
I know this steemit account from my friend @dayatsiaulia and @basristeemit with them i can study this steemit platfon media in detail by their guidance
Oke teman-teman steemit sekalian perkenalkan :
Hobi saya traveling. Saya seorang pelajar di sebuah fakultas di indonesia. Kegiatan saya sehari-hari bekerja.
Inilah wajah saya.
Nama saya adalah T.Fahkrurrazi akun steemit saya @teukuaroel.
Okay steemit friends all introduce:
My hobby is traveling. I am a student at a faculty in indonesia. My daily work activities.
Here is my face. My name is T.Fahkrurrazi my steemit account @teukuaroel.
this is my face
Inilah aktifitas saya saat traveling
this is my activity on traveling
Di akun steemit ini saya akan mempromosikan wisata,traveling,adventure aceh location.Terimakasih teman-teman steemit semua,mohon dukungan anda pada akun steemit saya @teukuaroel.
In this steemit account I will promote the tour, traveling, adventure aceh locationThank you all steemit friends, please support my steemit @teukuaroel account.
Follow | upvote | me @teukuaroel Thanks.
I really look forward to seeing more posts from your adventures!
I am also new to Steemit, so I would be really honored if you could check out my blog. I'm posting stuff like adventures, travelling, photography and many more! :DLove your story @teukuaroel! Welcome to the world of Steemit, I hope you'll have a blast in here!
Thanks @rexodia
Selamat datang di Steemit. saya juga baru disini. semoga kita bisa bekerja sama follow me ok.
Terimakasih ok sama-sama @sely
Nice to meet you, @teukuaroel! Welcome to Steemit!
Thanks brother @god-is-love nice to meet you to
Welcome to steemit. Very nice introduction 😊
Hello @teukuaroel. If you like to, check my blog @joepike and follow. ✌
yes both @joepike I will check your blog
Thanks, nice to know.Hello @teukuaroel
Wow, amazing part of the world you live in! Welcome to steemit, good luck on your travels and in your studies. If you're looking for tips on the steemit platform, check out the #dolphinschool hashtag. I'm @markrmorrisjr, if you have any questions, stop by and leave me a comment.
Ok thanks brother @markrmorrisjr i will visit it
A BIG warm welcome to Steemit! I am sure you are going to absolutely enjoy the Steemit platform.👍 Please let me know if I can be of future help with Steemit. I truly hope Steemit exceeds all your expectations!👍
Thanks brother @daviddivergent I still have much to learn from you
You are very welcome. I have just followed you on steemit so we can earn steem together. Have a great Monday 👍
Welcome to Steem. It's an awesome community. I followed you. Please follow back. Good Luck.
yes thanks for the warm welcome, I will also follow you @steemcafe