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RE: Hello ! This is my intro post!

Welcome to Steemit, nice to see another Portuguese person here, we got a community called @steemitportugal if you want to be part of the portuguese community on Steem and we also have a telegram channel where we talk to each other, atm we aren't that many since the bear market in crypto made us lose a few members to inactivity, but we still got many good members active like @portugalcoin @trincowski @warnas @aleister E eu provavelmente estou-me a esquecer de alguns xD mas vem para o telegram que conheces a malta toda 😂


E sim, vou juntar-me ao telegram para ficar a conhecer a banda! :) talvez me possam dar algumas dicas para newbies! :)Hello @tetonium glad to meet you! I will def join the portuguese community, is always good to know fellow portuguese steemians!