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RE: The reason why I want to build a platform on Steemit and why you should too: THE IDEA ECONOMY

Hehe, Peter Diamandis is a genius explaining these concepts. I find his explanation greatly optimistic and indeed over the long run I believe things will be much better than most people thing. But what bothers me is that he is a bit too quick to glance over the difficulties to transition to this new world.

Many people will be left behind, overall I do believe there will be more job creation than job destruction, but those jobs will be radically different in nature. It is like a whole new techno literacy we need to learn and 80% of people are techno illiterate. (The term bothers me, Kevin Kelly uses it but I can't find what would make one "techno literate" it will be a constantly moving target I suspect.)

You might enjoy these articles too which I based on some of Peter Diamandis' concepts:

One on Abundance
One on exponential functions, most people don't understand them really
Don't bother upvoting, they are old already, but I'd appreciate your comments!