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RE: Oh, I'm alive! I'm alive! Hello, birds. Hello, trees.

Thanks for the comment camuel! :). I honestly do hate the "What do you do?" question. I reckon if being a musician is the best thing that defines who you are then you most definitely have the right to say that's what you "do". That's the funny thing about that question, it's defined to pigeonhole you and to put all the sum of your parts onto one thing! Which really can't be done because we, as people, are so multifaceted that we can't be defined by a single thing, a unifying one.
I don't play the official D&D, I play a couple of friends version of it. They have been designing a game for a good few years now and we play-test their rules. I like the fact that you get to be a character in a story and that you can influence the way the story will turn out. Plus our version isn't meant for children, that might make a difference to your view of it! ;)
I assume Dochka is one of your children?? Our kids aint meant to like the stuff we like, especially when they're teenagers! ;)