Welcome @crypothoe!! I wish I was commenting on this post with a wealth of solid advice and well of experience, but I'm still just a steemit n00b.
Your post came with fabulous late 80s/early 90s nostalgia (many an morning was spent bouncing on my pogo in Commander Keen, shooting trash in Math Blaster, trying to rescue my clueless little Lemming friends. I can hear still hear the rewarding sound of finally grabbing the chalice in Dangerous Dave and remember the frustration with the realization that Myst was just too advanced for me at the time.
Despite the advantage of having access to a personal computer at such a young age, I did not continue in IT, but I am thankful that I retained my respect for where technology can take us. I joined steemit because I want to be a part of the vocal community in support for transitioning our world into this digital frontier that so many have been working to develop for our safety and efficiency. I don't yet possess skills to develop apps or coins like others, but I do have a voice. I guess you could say that I saw this as a mining opportunity of sorts, but with my content creation/curation was the proof of work and it just made sense for me.
I believe that your polymath tendencies will provide very relevant content for me, looking forward to hearing more!
I too loved the polymath ideas and tendencies. Hopefully she blogs frequently!