Hello from West Wales

Nearly 2018 and I have decided it is about time I joined the 'Networking Revolution' and got 'Social'. This is not my natural habitat, friends will attest to me being far from sociable and family will tell you that my ability to network and stay in touch is not one of my strong points. However, steemit was introduced to me a couple of weeks ago by a friend and it seems to me like a very interesting place to share, explore and develop new ideas.
Back to the intention of this post - my introduction.
As my title suggests, I live in the West of Wales on a smallholding just outside of a town called Lampeter - more on Lampeter in future posts. I live with my wife and 11 year old son and we have been here nearly 12 years. I work full-time for a large global IT company - most of the time from my home office with a wood buring stove, a view of the hills (if I stand up and wander over to the window) and usually accompanied by our cat Smudge who loves the fire more than I do.
My area of specialism is Data Centres - those large buildings that host much of the IT running today.
I am 52 so have collected a wide range of interests over the years from rock-climbing (now too old and too heavy but the gear is still in the attic and I have not given up - lots of easy routes out there), cooking (love the middle east but moving even further east recently under the influence of Meera Sodha),
IMG_4075.jpgreal-ale (not to be confused with Craft Beer and there is maybe potential for a Lampeter Micro-Brewery),
IMG_4071.jpg the land, how we treat it and Permaculture in particular, Triumph Motorcycles, the Transition Town movement and Rugby (I do live in Wales !) to name but a few.
However, I guess the thing that has drawn these strands together and has me entering the world of Social Media via steemit is a desire to understand and influence the world my son and his generation will inheriet.
I have a view of that future, influenced by my role within the world of global business and IT in particular I guess. I believe technology will shape the future and we need to engage with it to make sure that the influence is generally a positive one.


Welcome to Steemit!

Happy New Year Tim, good to see your first post here.

You might want to check out the Homesteaders Online Discord Server for connecting with like-minded folk :

The list of Homesteaders and Preppers on steemit might also be useful for you :

And finally the SteemWales Discord server - quiet there, mainly for organising the first Wales steemit meetup in February :

Happy New Year and congrats on your 'dip to the tape' - fascinating how it all works

Steemit is a mystical and intriguing place...

It Sure Is! Great People!

Thanks For Sharing!

Man that's my kinda food!

Welcome aboard, @timmartin! With the range of interests you mentioned, you'll have a whole host of folks to engage with. Don't worry about the 'not social' facet, as it falls by the wayside after a few conversations. Next thing you know, you'll be following a couple hundred people and many more will be following YOU! ;~P

I Agree, Great Platform!

Thanks @aunt-deb. I am slowly coming to terms with the ethos and have realised the irony of looking for a guide that tells me if I should or should not simply say 'thank you' for taking the time to welcome me - I decided it is only polite ..... so "thanks for the welcome"

You're most welcome. You'll find your footing soon enough and you're doing very well. Mostly, just relax and have fun.

Welcome! I'm also in IT for a large corporation! Growing up that's what my parents did but I swore I wouldn't work in a cubicle! I got my degree in horses and rode and trained for years. Until I realized how nice AC and healthcare were! Now I surprisingly love my IT job. It's challenging, rewarding, and pays silly amounts of money.

I also have a farm in the US where my husband, baby and I try to honestead and practice permaculture as well!

I've given you a follow and look forward to reading and learning more from you!

Welcome to Steemit!

Ahhh, the joy of a cool data centre on a hot summers day when the pollen count is off the scale - there has to be some rewards right? Thanks for the Welcome - much appreciated and maybe we shall meet in the #homesteading or #permaculture groups which I am off to peruse right now.

@timmartin Welcome to the steemit community and to the #homesteading and #permaculture groups. Looking forward to more posts from you. Cheers!

@squdsi1, thanks for the welcome and direction to the groups - more to read :-)

Your post has been discovered by @livesustainably I manage the#livesustainably tag.
@Livesustainably promotes and curates content that encourages and educates others in living sustainably.
At this time, as it is a new tag I am looking in in other channels. In the future you should post with the livesustainably tag so that you can get upvotes and curation from me. To find out more see my introductory post.

#livesustainably looks really useful - just the sort of help I need to be able to find the sort of material that I hope will inform and inspire my involvement - I will be reading and tagging - thanks

welcome to steemit @timmartin, best regards..
hopefully you feel at home here. 😊

@timmartin, welcome to Steemit. You have joined a great community.

My advice:

  1. Keep meeting people, especially in the comments section.
  2. Strive to write great content.

Keep moving forward,

FREE GIFT - Check out my online course about formatting your Steemit posts.

Welcome :)

Welcome to Steemit Tim =D Croeso =D

Welcome Tim, good to see someone else living in Wales has joined up.