My name is Vivian and I am a skilled travel agent from Hamburg!
As this is my introduction- this post will be just about ME!
I studied this occupation for my last three years after I travelled for a few years.
My journey brought me to a lot of beautiful countries like Australia where I lived for over two years, Southeast Asia where I stayed for a few months and some other lovely countries like New Zealand, Fiji, Sri Lanka, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Egypt and all the European countries in particular Spain (Tenerife, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria, Sevilla, Cadiz, Malaga), Italy (Lake Garda, Verona, Modena), Greek (Crete), Budapest, Amsterdam, London,... where I have been for holiday's or a business trip!
I would like to introduce myself to this awesome platform, which my partner @marcellus-wllace recommended me to check out!
I would love to give you a little bit more information about those countries/cities I have been to especially what you can do there or where you can go. Sometimes I might just upload a post with some impression of my travel's as I took a looooot of wonderful pictures and I would like to share them all with you! :)
I also can make a list with cheap places/great values for this summer or some hotel recommendations as we usually visit around 30 hotels per destination from work.
I also have a lot of absorbing tales I need to tell you!
When I travelled to Fiji by myself I lived with locals who I met on my way. Or from the abandoned resort on Koh Tao where I did cliff jumping. I also climbed up Adams Peak in the middle of the night with my dad who is in the 50's and it was an amazing experience! There are sooo many more stories I would like to tell you in the future.!
Thank YOU for reading all the way down to the bottom! I hope you really enjoyed my first post of just myself and follow me for further uploads! !
If you have any suggestions please let me know in the comments below. Also let me know if there is anything else you would like to hear! :) If you have travelled to South America or somewhere else I haven't been to please leave your profile also in the comments below so I can check them out :). I am always looking for new destinations! :)
You can also check out my Instagram account #travel.dict
Thank YOU!
Welcome Vivian.
Thanks a lot @fminerten1!
Welcome to Steemit! :)
Hi Jaki01, thank you! keep me updated with your german/english posts! Will follow you :)
Will do the same. :)
Thank you :)
Hi Vivian and welcome to steem. I'm looking forward to the stories about your travelling experiences.
thank you @thepe! Can't wait to see more of your food/receipes! Also like that your posts are in english and german! following you.
Thank you too! Let's see when the creativity returns ;-)
Today there will be an "ordinary" spaghetti bolognese. But maybe it will look good enough for a pic?
haha, I'm already excited for your new upload!
Welcome to Steemit @traveldict :)
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Thank you for your help! Definitely will check it out! @welcomebot
Welcome to Steemit, do have a wonderful experience here
Thank you @janrotas :)
You are welcome
loving all the travel pics here on steemit, thanks for yours and looking forward to more. followed :)
Which city are you from?Thank you @nitromad! Also following you. Would be nice if you could show us more from New Zealand :)
Kakahi, which use to be a large milling town. Now there is Manu Lalas general store, which has lots of photos of what used to be around him. The local school has closed down, but with the Whakapapa and Whanganui rivers meet up - both fresh and good for fishing or if your brave in summer just warm enough to swim.. We are 500ish meters above sea level in the foothills of Mt Ruapehu.. Hopefully tourism will be the new lifeblood.. Houses are selling for more and faster, but NZs current housing crisis could factor in, so not sure if its spreading out further or if it is tourism. Anyone like trout fishing!
Will start to blog but having camera problems. Thinking of investing in a good phone with a great camera.. Any advice?
I haven't heard about either but I have been to Lake Taupo which is pretty close by (just looked it up on maps ;)).
I might get a new phone as well. Thought of huawei as the camera (leica) is pretty good. Check out Huawei p10. The camera is high professional.
Cool thanks\
Welcome to the platform, I wish everything work out for you. It’s not easy here but not difficult neither but just ask an extra effort, engagement is the key good luck I’m @goodaytraders
Thank you for your kind words @goodaytraders! Looking forward your next uploads! Already following you ;)!
Welcome to Steemit Vivian! I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do! :-)
Thank you @bart2305! Really appreciating your support! Following you so I hopefully won’t miss your next shots!
Thanks a lot! :-)
Welcome to Steem @traveldict I have sent you a tip
thanks a lot @bottymcbotface! Very kind of you!
welcome vivan good work i am @mubashar1122 hope to see new posts from you my vote yours..
Thanks a lot @mubashar1122 ! Following you!
Welcome, @traveldict! I'm following you and I look forward to more of your posts!
Thank you @chem1cal!
hello @traveldict welcome to steemit 😁 I love traveling !! looking forward for your posts!!
hello @zkalemiss! thanks a lot! I love baking. looking forward to your next posts! Already following you!
Very envious of all your travel, I look forward to seeing more of your photos and reading about your experiencesWelcome to Steemit @traveldict - lovely to meet you
My next post will come soon ;)Thank you for your kind words @gmuxx ! Following you and your partner kim for your future posts :)
Thank you!
Check your wallet, I sent a small tip
Wow @gmuxx! Thats very generous of you! Thank you!
Just a small token by way of a welcome
Hello Vivian, welcome to Steem! :-)
Hello Gandalf the Grey @gtg, thank you for welcoming me! Interesting news your uploading! Already following you to stay updated!
Welcome to steemit @traveldict. You'll do fantastic here!
Wow @gringalicious! Your blog is amazing! Definitely following you for future uploads! Love your food photography as I know how easy it looks but how hard it is to get the right picture of it.
Followed you back. You are off to a fantastic start. This is exactly how you should continue, as often as you can reply to all the comments. I will be watching for your future posts
omg thank you for following me and also for your great advice! I will give my best!
I have just seen that you live in patagonia currently. My exams have been about it mostly. I also watched "Chef's Table" on Netflix (season 1, episode 3) where they filmed at Francis Mallmann restaurant. Fascinating area. Would love to go there one day!
Welcome to steemit community :)
Thank you @jraysteem ! Will follow you to stay updated. :)
Thanks :)
Willkommen auf Steemit, Vivian.
Wenn Du Fragen hast, schaue einfach mal in unserem Chat vorbei
Vielen Dank Vivian.Danke @twinner für den Chatlink und auch für deine Korsika Beiträge. Werde die mir gleich alle durchlesen!
@twinner bin dem Chat beigetreten :) Danke!
You are in great company here on SteemIt. A lot of members love to travel, so we will all enjoy your experiences and stories.
Hi @steemquestions, yes it kind of looks like it! There are also soooo many travel blog's. I have to check them all out soon. My next post will come soon!
Herzlich Willkommen hier, gibt einige Travel Experten hier, je mehr desto besser
Finde es super, dass du die Community so unterstützt und viele Beiträge teilst und kommentierst. Ich folge dir bereits, um mehr davon zu sehen und dich zu unterstützen! Vielen Dank VivHallo @germain-trail, vielen Dank, dass du dir die Zeit genommen hast ein Kommentar zu hinterlassen!
Sehr gerne und danke dir für das motivierende Feedback!
Welcome to Steemit Vivian!
Thank you @daveks! Love your nature uploads and mostly those from the national park Banff. Never heard of before but it looks so beautiful. Following you to stay updated!
Thank you and appreciate the follow @traveldict!
Wecome to steemit Vivian :) You're name is so pretty! ;)
Hello @ramengirl. Thank you for your compliment! I love korean food, please post more recipes in english so I can recook them a home. I'm following you to stay updated! Do you actually have those green melona ice cream from "Binggrae" in korea or is it just advertised as korean in germany? I love them a lot!
Willkommen und danke für die schönen Bilder.
Danke dir für deine lieben Worte @sumsum! Bin dir auch direkt gefolgt :)
Hello!! welcome to this platform! you will love Steemit platform!! Its such an amazing community here, and everyone is so lovely! If you ever get hungry... dont look on my page :P hehe Alla x
haha @allasyummyfood...I already did and left you a follow! Your food looks delicious! Will definitely try some at home! Thanks for taking the time. Really appreciate your support! xx
heheh sounds amazing !! look forward to it!!
Looking forward to your posts!
Thank you @makecents! Also following you back!
Welcome to Steemit @traveldict. Cant wait your latest posting bout your special travelling. Keep posting and earn some money.
Hi @taufar, thanks for reading my post! I also have been to indonesia (bali and lombok). Your photos are really beautiful. Will follow you to see more of it!
Nice to have you on board, Vivian! Follow me at
Hello @bitgeek, thank you. I am following you :)
Welcome! :)
Hello @Sahar.meshkin, also welcome to steemit! Looks like we have a lot in common! I also started yesterday and I am a travel agent as well- just from an other place on earth ;) thank you for your comment. Following you :)
Welcome following
Thank you @beautyfull!
Follow and Upvote ... i love the sunset picture :)
Hello Steph @crypto-newsflash! Thank you! I also upvoted your work and realized I should definitely go the Palma de Mallorca again! Also following you :) I took the sunset picture on adams peak in Sri Lanka. It was one of my best experiences!
Great introduction and Welcome to the world of Steemit. It's a pleasure to have you here @traveldict. I'll be sure to Upvote and Follow your journey.
Thank you @wthomas! Definitely following you as well. Love your blogs from Hawai havent been there yet.
Hawaii is truly amazing. Each island has something different to offer. If you are into nightlife, I would recommend Oahu. Kauai is for the nature lover, it is purely unspoiled and Maui has lots of activities. The Big island has volcanoes and a snow capped mountain and great beaches.
Thank you for your advices! Will come back to you when I am going there :)
Welcome to Steemit!!!!! Glad to have you on here, it's one of the best social media platforms on the web! :) If you want to learn more about how to make money on Steemit, go follow me here @parkermorris
Thank you @parkermorris!
Welcome to Steemit! :)
Thank you @heigovannik! :)
Aloha Viv
Welcome to the STEEM machine. Wow, what an exciting job you have. As for me, being born & raised on Oahu..I have been employed in the Hawaii hotel industry for a little over 30 years now and have met so many people from all over the world and have amassed many a tale working in the bell anyway, if you need any info help with Hawaii LMK...(my 1st post). Aloha, unclealoha
I read your last post and I also had password issues. I couldn’t log in anymore because my password wasn’t correct but I never changed it. In the end, I had to sign up for a new account.
Let me be your first follower :)Hi @unclealoha, thank you for taking the time and commenting on my blog. Your job sounds also very exciting. Being surrounded by different people all the time and getting to know their own stories must be interesting!
Great introduction! Am looking forward to all these exciting travel stories, followed :)
Thank you @surfermarly. Looking forward your insider tipps for the canary islands. Also following you already :)
Welcome to Steemit! upvoted and followed. Can't wait to see where you end up next. Have fun here
Thank you @teotwawkiman! Also following you to see more of your survival techniques!
Thank you much. I know it's kind of slow right now but i'll be picking up the pace very soon. Don't worry. :)
You will love it here! :)
Welcome to Steemit @traveldict Happy Steeming!! @xredsoulless
Thank you @xredsoulles! Will follow you for more of those yummy receipes! :)