Delete the stuff before your (link). They you copy the beginning of the image link ( and paste it at the beginning. Then add a slash / and the size you want, say, 600x400 and another slash. It'll look somewhat like this:
I hope I memorized it correctly, go ahead and try it out :) Otherwise there are more professional posts explaining it. I'm a newbie myself, so I'm still trying to get a hang of it all.
I really enjoyed your wacky introduction post ;)! I do some yoga and dancing myself and I also love a good workout. The adrenaline rush makes me happy, lol. And I love weird, wacky people, it's definitely something to be proud of.
Can't wait for more posts, following your account :)
Thank you Tam for the tip! I'll try that in my next ppost! I can see from your profile that you're quite an adventurous lady yourself. I'm looking forward to more of your health, yoga and travel posts too! :D