
Knowing how to post gifs already puts you well past a good number of users. This the coolest community I've ever been a part of.

What's next for dogecoin? It's always near the top due to the loyal fan base, but what new developments are in the works?

My secret dream is to migrate it to a safer blockchain tech without the reliance on PoW... I worry about the reliance on AuxPoW/shared mining with Litecoin and how long that will sustain. Had a few chats with my friend Jae who is building Tendermint and that might be a realistic option (based on a coin burn / snapshot migration)... If only I had the time to do all the dev work required!

I can only imagine the amount of time that will take. And a movement away from POW seems like a very important change. Pos seems to be gaining traction for some alternative coins. But long term mining just doesn't seem to make sense to me. I actually am unsure how mining for steemit changes over time, but I should look into it.