Introducing: The awesomely terrific adventures of PRINCETON & [TBD]

Hi Steemians!

I found out about Steemit due to my interest in Cryptocurrency. I just stumbled upon Steem  and I love the concept. I mean, who doesn't wanna get paid by creating content? Brilliant!

In the beginning, I didn't know how to contribute to the community. I love drawing and doodling, and I would love to post my drawings but where's the hook? What makes my doodles any different that any other ones out there.

I could write a semi-blog about my life, but my life isn't all that interesting. So that's a wash. I wouldn't want to read about myself anyway. Too boring and pedestrian. 

And suddenly, this dog came into my life out of nowhere and wrecked my life upside down LOL. Maybe not as dramatic as that but I haven't had a dog in a long time and taking care of them is a responsibility that cannot be taken lightly. 

So and idea came to mind. What if I chronicle my time with the dog? 

Sure, it's a bit more interesting but still a bit ho-hum. 

But what if I chronicle it with photos AND my drawings? Make my doodles more alive by incorporating it into still life, just like Roger Rabbit! Sure, it will be a rough in the beginning, but hopefully as time goes by, I can refine my storytelling and make it more palatable for daily consumption.

So without further ado, I would like to introduce you to Princeton the Pug!


My name is Dicky and I am an Indonesian. I went to school in Buffalo, New York. Got me engineering degree there and worked there for a while. Then I got bored and moved back to Asia. 

I have never really particularly enthralled with working as an engineer. It's just never my passion, I suppose. The way we have to scurry here and there like headless chickens and go through the motion just to make a living just doesn't appeal to me. I felt like I needed to make a change.

So my friends and I ended up opening a restaurant/lounge in Jakarta called FLOW. Here's a picture of me during this year's New Year's Eve celebration. (I'm the deuche with tie)

FLOW was quite successful, but the constant partying and drinking eventually burned me out. And I started to have chronic health problems. In addition, I began to go through some sort of mid-life crisis. I just don't know what I want to do with my life. Aimless and directionless, I began to go through depression. So I went to Singapore for an extensive health check up.


It was in Singapore that I came across Princeton. His previous owner apparently moved to a smaller apartment and decided they don't want to keep him after having him for 14 years! The way people treat animals has never ceased to amaze me. 

So I volunteered to take care of Princeton. 

That's when I found out that he's basically blind. But what amazes me is that Princeton never complained about his condition. He never cried or wailed or feel sorry for himself. Life just goes on for Princeton and he will just make do with what facilities he has left. For a very old dog he is still full of life and mischief. 

Honestly, I felt a bit ashamed of myself.


So I created my toon alter ego in the form of a Penguin who dresses up like a dog. I think he dresses up like a dog because he wants to be closer to Princeton, and also because he is not comfortable in his own skin. Maybe he's just unsure of what he is supposed to be going to be.

I am thinking of naming him Douggie P or P-Dawg. Sounds awful right? What do you guys think? Maybe you guys can give him a better name? 

Please help name my "dog wannabe" penguin character!

The winner (image of their choice) will get to be incorporated (somehow someway) inside the future still images with Princeton!

SKY HIGH by Ben Folds Five

Shattered at dawn, so far for so long
Feeling newly baptized
Thinking I don’t want this thing to end
And all the blue sky

Where our stony paths meet
Coffee-coloured sheets
Looking down at pale knees with a cigarette
And my morning beat under the blue sky

Last night at the bar, I was wrong, I was only hurting
And you were acting too polite
When we held onto the pain, through the storms and the rain
Like a crumpled, empty, discarded Newports box

Ah, the blue sky
Ah, sky high


Welcome to steemit family! Good luck! I am sure that you will fully enjoy your journey here:)

Wow thank you for the warm welcome. I hope so :)

welcome to steemit @unbroken upvote :D

Wow thanks for the upvote Jonathan. Awesome!

Welcome to steemit @unbroken, I'm curious by the username why is it unbroken? lol
Anyway, I'm happy to see you and I wish you all the best and good luck to you. =)

Thanks for the warm welcome!
I guess I choose unbroken because oftentimes when I feel down, I just want to remember to stay strong.
Life can be depressing sometimes.
Thanks for the vote!

Welcome to Steem @unbroken.

Do read A thumb rule for steemit minnows - 50:100:200:25 for starter tips.

Spend time reading Steem Blue Paper to know how Steem blockchian works and if you still have any queries ask them on our Ask me anything about Steemit post and we will try to answer that.

All the Best!!!

Thank you for the warm welcome! Hopefully my content will entertain someone here =D

Nice to meet you, Dicky! You have an interesting life story to tell! Glad you joined us :) Wish you best of luck

I highly recommend reading through Steemit's FAQ to get to know more details about the system -->

I am into motivation, awareness, health and more in case you would like to visit my channel :) VALUE guaranteed

Thank you for the tip. I really needed that. Kinda lost here LOL.

Hi @unbroken, I loved your post! Keep up the good work and hope you get tonnes of upvotes. I've upvoted your post and hope you'll find success here :)

Hi thank you for the warm welcome. Thanks again for the upvote! I hope my content entertain you somehow :)

welcome join steemit, give your imagination here.

That's what I wanna do. Let my imagination run wild here :)

Hey, I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold, and you are cool.

Hi Oatmeal, you have an interesting name. Nice to get to know you!

This is a great introduction post :) Looking forward to seeing more of you on the platform @unbroken you will love it here and I am sure you'll do well. Often people don't realize but this platform is a lot about giving. The more you give to others, the more you'll receive back from them. Do support other users and they will support you in return.


HI Lucy, thanks for the warm welcome. I'm still new but I hope I can also give back to the community. Thanks for the encouragement!

GREAT to SEE you! I guess, welcome aboard the Steemit Train! You are already a great blessing to us all by being on this platform with us.All for one and one for all! Namaste :)

Thank you for the warm welcome Lopez. I'm glad to be here and get to know all of you. Namaste :)