#introduceyourself Marie Vegan Student

Hello lovely steemians,

My name is Marie and I'm excited to start my steemit blog now!

Who am I?
I am Marie and love being creative and sharing all of it. I am vegan since november 2011 and I love to share how easy and delicious it can be to eat vegan. I study biomedical chemistry as a fulltime student at a German university (I am german).
I am 22 years old and I live together with my boyfriend.


What content will I be making?
I love sharing what I eat and posting food photography. I normally post these pictures on instagram, but I want to move all my social media to steemit now. Here is a selection of pics:


I also like making videos and I have a youtube channel, but as youtube changes I want to move to Dtube in the future.
I post travel videos, recipes and what I eat in a day videos.

I will continue to do food photography and post videos, currently I'm filming a what I eat in a week video and I have a grocery haul blog post in work.
But I will also do blog posts about all the other stuff that I think could be entertaining and useful for you which are:

  • grocery hauls
  • student tips
  • fashion without fast fashion posts
  • travel diaries
  • bullet journaling
  • challenges
    and more.

I hope some of you will be interested in my content and I would love to hear what you would be most interested in.
Also I would be happy to find some blogs similar, so please comment if you think your content could be interesting for me so I can find blogs to follow.

❤ Marie


Hello! I am vegan too! Welcome!

Welcome to steemit dear @veganstudent .. love your photos!
Happy Steeming!
Kindly check my foodphotography. I'll be glad to see your comment below.https://steemit.com/foodphotography/@gerel/first-savor-foodphotography

Hello :) I will check it out :)

Welcome dear, and can wait to see some yummy vegan recipes. I to want to move this way but i find Is a bit hard with the meat :D. HUGS!

Hey you :) small changes are still changes, try thinking this way. Take it slow and don't be to harsh with yourself. I was a meat lover as well, but it is all a habit, it can change but it needs time :)

Take it slow and don't be to harsh with yourself.

These are wise words. This is the recipe for success!

Yes, little by little I removed it. Until now I eat meat 3, 4 days a week. Isn't it awesome? :D

That's good progress, awesome!

Great work veganstudent, Your post have the power to turn meat eaters to the green side.
Any other meat eater interested in transitioning please check me out.

Yayy another vegan on Steemit! Looking forward to see new recipes,definitely following you!

Thank you :) I hope you will like it.

Nice to meet u sis.. hope u can enjoy it ini steemit.

Hi :) I think I will

Hello And Welcome To Steemit!

It is a platform like none other. You can get to know people from all over the world. If you continue to post great informative content you will grow a following in no time!

Start following some authors that post good content and upvote them as well. Follow Me! Make some friends and you will be well on your way to earning some nice curation rewards and growing your following.

Best Of Luck!
Sam billing

Hello :) thank you for the tips :)

Welcome !! Let's connect by following each other's profile!

Welcome to steemit . we love to hear your story from other side of the world as well.

Thank you :)

Welcome to steemit Marie. I'm happy to see your great photos. I hope you'll be well received as there are many active foodies posting here.

Hello :) thank you, I'm excited to see where this is going

Looking forward to the recipe posts too! It seems the people on steemit are so diverse. It's going to foster a great food community.

Thank you :) Hope you will like them

Welcome to Steemit. I think you will like it. There are plenty of people who love talking about cryptocurrencies, but lots of other interests too. Have fun

Thank you :) having fun is the most important part, isn't it?

great post, i'm following you back. Thanks for your support!

Thank you :)

It's nice to meet another vegan here. You can visit my blog too. Together we can go for a better world.

Yes everyone makes a difference :)

Hi Maria, welcome! Have a nice time on steemit and dtube! Wish you all the best, a fellow vegan! :)

Hello :) thank you.

you're welcome! :)

Whaaat? you made me have cravings with all of those beautiful pics of delicious vegan food. I'll surely follow you to see what's next. Best wishes.

Thank you :)

welcome dear =) glad to see more vegans here! looking forward to your posts

Welcome to steemit dear...
Nya kapiyoh bak blog lon sige-ge bek lage arakatei, sombong that, na kadinge..
Bit lage arakatei..

Hello :) what language are you speaking? I sadly don't understand ...

Welcome to this beautiful community ..
I invite you to visit my blog.

How delicious all your photos looks, is crazy.
There in Germany do you live in? I went to Berlin and I fell in love I hope to be able to go to other parts of Germany this year. Is crazy how much vegan food there's there.

Hello :) thank you! Berlin is awesome, I have an friend who lives there. I visited her in september and was blown away by all the amazing food. I live near Frankfurt :)

Welcome on steemit and enjoy...follow me if you want! Read my post about the injections to fruits and vegetables

So i'm following you already.... Can I stop liking food?

Why would you stop liking food? Food is amazing :)

Lools amazing indeed, disappointingly i never get fat...😢😢

Welcome to the Steemit Community. I'm vegan as well. I actually traveled to Germany a year ago. I flew into Frankfurt and stayed in Mainz. I took a bus to this fabulous restaurant but I actually forgot the name of it. Maybe you can help me out. All I can say is that the restaurant was centered around a German wall that had something to do with one of the world wars. There was a garden on the outside and a tower. You can walk around the garden before or after a meal. To get to the restaurant I had to take about a 30 minute bus ride from the Atrium Hotel in Mainze. i was dropped of downtown and then I walk and came upon a up stone stair well to which I walked a little further and came upon a grand entrance that looked more like a hotel. They had a 5 course vegan meal and to this day I can honestly say that I was the best vegan experience I ever had. I know it's a hot in the dark but maybe you are familiar. At any rate good luck you to and I wish you the best.

Hello :) I'm sorry I don't know the Restaurant, but it sounds amazing :)

Hi Marie! Congrats on joining Steemit, it's great to have another awesome vegan here. 🌱

Your food photography is amazing! 📸🍔

I am looking forward to your content here on Steemit and Dtube 💚

Thank you :)

Welcome to steemit!!
glad to have you here stay stunned...
You can follow my blog @hrishikeshmatre

That food is making me hungry. Welcome to Steemit.

Welcome to steemit, Marie.

Your photos are really nice. I'm hungry now.

Thank you :)

Hello vegan,im raneeey from Indonesia,.

Welcome to Steemit, Luck, Happy Dayphotostudio_1516832024240.jpg

I wish you the best Marie, eres lo que comes, viva el veganismo ;)

Thank you :)

tremendas comidas veganas asi si provoca ser vegano.. jaja