HI. I'm Vladimir, photographer, founder od PetGuards, Aikido master, IT student, book lover,guitar enthusiast and wannabe writer

Usually, people ask me “How you can doing all these stuff”,
I said: only priorities and good organizations!

New year can’t start better.
It’s complicated for me to describe myself. I am lost in Murakami’s (Haruki Murakami) world but I will make an effort to detailed describe my crazy world.
From my title, you can conclude that I have many professions and hobbies. In following blogs I will write about these topics, but for now, let's start from the beginning.Hi! I am Vladimir, 23 years old (in March) student from Serbia who joining Steemit on friend suggestion @top5attractions.

2018-01-08 03.20.17 1.jpg

#1 Photography

I inherited a passion for photography and some Nikon stuff from my father, ex-photographer.
From a young age, I watched my father in photo lab while developing films, on photo exhibitions, on set, but for me in these ages that wasn’t spectacular. When digital photography came my father left photo job and started a new business.
One day while I was reading some photo book, i find this feeling and said that to my father. He knew it would happen, but he waited for the right moment.
He gave me his SLR camera, Nikon FG with 50mm few rolls of film. That’s how started my journey to photography.

My father

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#2 Startup PetGuards

I started PetGuard before 2 years when I was 21 years, with my friend Stefan.
PetGuards is a platform that helps you to find a perfect pet sitter for your pet while you are on vacation. How we start and who is the main culprit?
The main culprits were our friends, a couple from Belgrade, who was forced to miss their vacation in the summer of 2015. Why was that important for us? Their paid vacation fell through because they were unable to find anybody to take care of their dog, which they were very attached to. After that incident, we noticed that there were a lot of people in Belgrade „tied“ to their apartments because they couldn’t find a suitable pet sitter. Our solution is our platform Petguards.rs where everybody with this kind of problem can quickly and easily choose one of our pet sitters and schedule pet sitting, pet walking or any other of our services.
This isn’t platform only for dogs and cats, we also have sitters for snakes and same exotic animals.

#3 Aikido

First time i entered the dojo in the october 2008. After watching Steven Seagal movies (He is black Belt 7th DAN). I was crazy and fascinated with his movies, I watched all movies and start again. I remember my first training when I watched my sensei, they said “Just watch, and you will be able to do this”
ten years from my first training, Aikido changed my life and made me the person that I am today.
On 14th may 2017. I had my exam for black belt 1. DAN (Shodan), one of greatest days from last year.


#4 IT Student

Currently I am the last year on Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade, degree Information systems and technologies.In free time i am developing websites for clients.
WhatsApp Image 2017-05-04 at 11.11.36.jpeg
Only binary

So there's my introduce story in 600 words. I'm really happy to be a part of the Steemit community

In the following blogs I will write about

I hope that you will enjoy.
You can suggest me your favorite themes from my list.
Thank you for reading! #photography #it #entrepreneurship #books #aikido #productivity

My links

Photography site
PetGuards site


Добродошао на Стимит, @vladsphotography!

Боље вас нашао, @superstar65 :)

Dobrodosao Apise :)

Hvala Rajice!

@vladsphotography, јеси ли и ти Смедеревац као @top5attractions?

Normalno,pola Smedereva na steemitu 😊

Obavezno, vrbovan od strane @top5attractions 😊

hello bro, welcome to steemit.. :-)

I love SLR cameras. I learned photography on a Ricoh decades ago. The camera broke, but I kept the wonderful lens. Black and White photography is the most beautiful to me.

Welcome to the Steemit Community.

Nice. Which lens you have? :)

Добро нам дошао на Стимит, @vladsphotography, бићеш рестимован на @photo-trail налогу и убачен у листу српске језичке заједнице. Срећно!

Хвала, @lighteye .Поздрав !

Welcome to steemit community, insight, experience and knowledge banayak once here we live just how to take and learn it and you also can share anything interesting to be published in this steemit, salam know from me @teukukhaidir. thank you

Svaka čast, Srpski Stiven Sigal, dobro nam došao...

Pozdrav Harukevcu :) Dobrodošao na Steemit i još bolje se snašao :) Srećno!

Hvala :) Bolje vas našao!