strangely enough this is the best vegan related quote <3 since more than 90% of the world ain't giving any thought to what they eat :D still for the 10% (and this is me being really hopeful about the numbers) it's a life long quest even tho in the grand scale of things all of us aren't really that important :D it's the same as catching a fly and setting it free instead of squashing it :) the fly's lifespan is between 15 to 30 days, so what for you may be three weeks of not killing flies, for them is an entire lifetime <3 just think about it ... humans are not the first species to walk this earth and most likely won't be the last ;) so make your life count, if not by doing something great, at least by not harming other life forms :D
strangely enough this is the best vegan related quote <3 since more than 90% of the world ain't giving any thought to what they eat :D still for the 10% (and this is me being really hopeful about the numbers) it's a life long quest even tho in the grand scale of things all of us aren't really that important :D it's the same as catching a fly and setting it free instead of squashing it :) the fly's lifespan is between 15 to 30 days, so what for you may be three weeks of not killing flies, for them is an entire lifetime <3 just think about it ... humans are not the first species to walk this earth and most likely won't be the last ;) so make your life count, if not by doing something great, at least by not harming other life forms :D