Hello Steemit,
I'm Matt. I'm a 32 year old husband and father from ultra-rural Southwest Virginia. I was introduced to the platform by @rhondak. Thanks Rhonda!
I own a web design business and also work full time as an online business developer for a wholesale company I created a website for several years ago. I'm passionate about psychology, philosophy, politics, fitness, natural bodybuilding, powerlifting, nutrition, supplements, gaming, writing, etc. Yes, there's redundancy there, but if you've ever accidentally called a powerlifting purist a bodybuilder, you know it's warranted. The one passion that ties all the others together for me is what I most hope to explore here: writing. Writing fiction, and non-fiction related to all the topics above, less, or more depending on what the market dictates.
I am very much a recluse by nature. We're not talking a little introverted here, we're talking something closer to that old hermit who never leaves his isolated cabin in the woods outside the village in that story you read that one time. The hero had to seek him out to recover the ancient weapon capable of killing the monster, which he's kept hidden since that day long ago when he tried to defeat it himself but failed. He put on his old rusty armor and rode out shortly after failing to convince the hero he shouldn't risk fighting the monster, helping the hero save the day when things looked bleak. He died from his wounds after the battle and gave a pretty great speech to the hero that no one else got to hear. You know the guy. I bet that guy probably had a small fortune stashed away somewhere though, because some of us actually have to work for a living. Ahem. That being said, I make it a point to always push myself out of my comfort zone and try new things. I have my wife to thank for giving me the extra push that it takes sometimes.
A couple of years ago I became a bit of a fatty. That's the problem with comfortable office chairs and excessive pizza. I decided I wanted to do something about it, and I did. I took up lifting and learned far more than I realistically needed to about nutrition and the science behind hypertrophy. The photo below is after my first cut. Since then I've focused primarily on strength, and gained about ten pounds more muscle. When I finish my current cut I'll post another comparison photo along with a summary of the experience. This cut has been a lot more difficult than the last. My bench press is 180 pounds, squat is 295, deadlift is 390, and overhead press is 125. Just shy of the “1,000 pound club”.
Speaking of Socrates, he and Aristotle are my favorite philosophers. Socrates was known for bringing philosophy to the people rather than hoarding it among the elite. He purposely avoided big unnecessary words and pedantry. His goal was to improve people's lives, not demonstrate to them how enlightened and educated he was. When I discuss philosophy, I try to emulate Socrates' humility. Not that I could ever compare to Socrates or Aristotle.
I look forward to contributing anything of value that I can, and learning as much as I can from others. In the short time I've been here, I've already been given great advice from the Writers' Block on my writing. Hands down the best I've ever gotten.
Here's to the future.
Awesome transformation, congratulations on that! Maybe you can post about it in the #health section? ;)
Probably wouldn't be a bad idea.
Help me welcome my husband to Steemit! HELLO HUSBAND.
At least I know you'll always love me because it's in the contract!
I get it. I totally do. Just know you hide it well, because you are one of the most pleasant, heartwarming, gracious human beings I know.
And I'll bet @arrelaine13 has fun playing with that six-pack! :-)
So glad to have you here in our Steemit family.
He had to get the six pack because of my sleep walking tendencies. I punched him in the gut once in my sleep. Now that he has abs of steel, it protects him against such unwarranted attacks.
LOL!!! Oh, gosh!!!
Good thing Matt's there to keep me in check. I'd probably be the world's first serial sleep walking assaulter. It doesn't help Fiona has also picked up this habit, must be genetic.
My Steemshelf blurb mentions me being forced out of my hermitage by the writing community. So we can be trying-hard-not-to-be-a-hermit together on the Block.
The effort that it takes to hide it is pretty embarrassing. I can recover quicker from an hour of lifting than ten minutes of in-person conversation with people I genuinely like.
Scott is like that, too. Socializing wears him out, even when it's pleasant.
Damn son those are some wicked gains. Have you read Marcus Aurelius's Meditations? I think it'd be right up your alley.
I haven't, but based on the synopsis I just read I think you're probably right on it being something I'd like. I'll be checking that out.
Update: I've spent the last couple of days listening to this at work, and have thus far been impressed. Thank you again for the recommendation.
Hello fellow Socrates admirer (wanted to say 'lover' but somehow that felt awkward). I'll be looking forward to your future posts on Socratian humility. I really like that idea.
Personally I've always been a huge fan of Socrates not only because he would take philosophy into people's lives, but also because he could use simple discussions where people would completely change their opinion, only using a few questions. As a young girl I was amazed by this - and frightened, because it shows both the importance of philosophy and the futility of thinking you have the right opinion.
Anyway, welcome to Steemit!
Great intro post. Awesome that you know @rhondak too. I'm assuming that we will be seeing you at the Block? Welcome to Steemit.
Welcome to Steemit from a fellow writer and fiction lover. I hope you settle in here and find a home to your liking. I'll give you a follow straight up and keep an eye our for your writing. Always looking for new and exciting things to read.
As for the recluse thing, I can relate. Perhaps many here can, but the internet helps us, to some degree.
Welcome to steemit! And welcome to the Writers Block!
Thanks for the warm welcome.
Welcome to Steemit and Writer's Block! I look forward to reading your posts, especially nutrition stuff. :)
Welcome to Steemit Matt! If you are interested in writing, check out @svashta. He puts on a Constrained Writing Contest that is a lot of fun.
Upvoted and following!
welcome @witchguard
Ah, oh husband of arrelaine13. Good to see you here!