My name is Winston and I am the host of The Wolves And Sheeple Podcast. I created my podcast earlier this year in order to spread the values of freedom while fighting against oppressive government entities, and anyone else that suppresses the inalienable rights of our fellow man. I create audio podcasts, videos, articles, and whatever else jumps out at me. My goal is to ignite a fire under the rears of the people of the world with the end goal of a more actively thinking populace. I dream of a flourishing audience that participates almost as much as they consume. I believe that an open minded yet skeptical approach is the best way to look at the world.
I have been on a long informational journey. My days of discovery started on the morning of the "terror" attacks of 9/11. Ever since that day, I have contemplated creating my own media operation, but always found an excuse not to. I finally decided that it was my time to contribute to the world. I have been inspired by a lot of different voices over the years: Ron Paul, James Corbett, We Are Change, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Alex Jones (in my youth), and many others that have contributed to my frame of mind.
Stop by and say hi sometime! I will be sure to post a lot of my work here in the future. I am excited to see where this community goes. I would love to see a mass exodus of all of the major social media outfits.
In freedom,
Winston The Wolf
The Wolves And Sheeple Podcast
911 is probably why so many of us are here. They are dirty rotten illuminati punks
But the funny/sad thing is that people still believe the official story. I think they could have had footage of Mossad agents setting charges and flipping the switch and they would still believe what the news tells them.