My friend told me to come here... he's weird by the way.

.. So I did. And I'm glad.

Hello, I'm doing great. How about you?

I shall explain the being that I am and then how and why I got here.
Well I'm 20 years old, I go to University where I study philosophy. my name is Alice, yes, just like Alice in wonderland, and this time no joke - I truly am just as curious and have long blonde hair. Besides that, I believe in magic and all sorts of wondrous things. I mean, life really is magic to me. To think about it, isn't almost everything miracle-like?

Magic aside - I am young and just about started living life - the grown up life, on my own. Nothings in my comfort-zone, really, it's amazing. So I wonder what shall I do with it. Oh, by the way, I live in Estonia - a little country just beside Russia. I don't know what you know about it or don't, but it's great here, truly awesome. Specially if you are someone who likes to be within and find yourself.

Now, back to topic. As I said, I'm not really sure what life should be about - since there are so many ways to live and give sense to it.
I have tried many ways to follow - the ultra spiritual one, the ultra healthy one, the not healthy at all one and so on. Anyhow, I know now that I should find my own, there's no other way.

So. That brings me to why I'm here. I have come to realize, that I do have an idea what I want from life - I want to live good, experience it thoroughly. I want to fulfill my potential in every spectre, earn lots of money and be an example.
I am the type of person who enjoys adventures and challenges. So I decided I will start the great journey of expanding my comfort zone even more by going selling books in America during summer. But I am also interested in making an income online. The book-selling job has many aspects to why I'm doing it, for example the self growth.

But when I am not currently thinking about the meaning of life or what to do with it, I enjoy the nature, deep conversations, open-minded people, "weird people" - I mean the ones who have the courage to embrace their weirdness. Because, "We're all mad here" - Cheshire Cat. I love love love beautifulness - and it really is everywhere.

World is good. People are good. That is not a naive statement though - as I do know what is going on, but I also believe in positivity - I choose not to follow anything that's bunch of drama or otherwise negative - and whataya know, life gets beautiful.

I hope you're all good today, well you must be, since you're alive, right?

My real name is Alice Taalberg, you can check me out on FB or instagram, if you'd like to. I use my real name there too.

Bye now.