Welcome to Steemit! Great pictures. I use to surf the east coast of Florida (small waves). Really miss it. Looking at your pictures inspires me to get back out there. I look forward to more of your posts. Cheers!
Welcome to Steemit! Great pictures. I use to surf the east coast of Florida (small waves). Really miss it. Looking at your pictures inspires me to get back out there. I look forward to more of your posts. Cheers!
Thank you! get out there again!! i love knee high waves, most days in NC are pretty small too!
I'm planning on it. The only fairly consistent break on Florida's east coast is Sebastian Inlet. We might head up there in a few weeks. In the mean time, I'm going to try and surf the 1-2 footers. Time to breakout the longboard! ;-)
yesss!!! i love knee high waves!