Most Common Dreams Part 2

Most Common Dreams Part 2


4: Losing your teeth

You may have some concerns about dental hygiene dreams of your teeth falling out, breaking, cracking, or turning black are usually have to do with a communication problem you had possibly the day before. Symbolically teeth represent personal power as it relates to your speech. The dream may say that you failed to assert your opinion, was unable to say what you wanted to say. A broken tooth possibly suggests something yo said made you feel ugly. Loosing a few teeth may mean you are far too timid as a result you are ineffective. These dreams can amplify feelings of inferiority and suggests its time to remove the block and adjust your communication style.

5: Flying

And finally, in my opinion, is the most common dream is flying. These dreams usually signify freedom from the limitations life has. These dreams often occur when a person has broken through a form of limited thinking or is coping with a life obstacle or psychological. Your dream as a response to great success or when a high-risk action was taken. Flying dreams in your childhood before your mind can understand earthbound restrictions placed by nature. For most of us, flying dreams are rare infrequent because we adhere to limiting beliefs that prevent us from freely expressing us from our unique talents and your inclinations.
Final Thoughts

Recognizing common dream symbols is one way to start lucid dreaming, in short, "aware that your dreaming" during the dream. It becomes a world of your own. But, that is an entirely different type of dream that I will write about soon to come!! Thank you, everyone, for your support!! Feel free to follow!!


These pictures are bomb! Great job baby!

Thank you!!

These are scary! I have these dreams all the time

You are on point, this dreams are really common, the one I have had is flying. Nice article, brief but rich. Weldon.

Thank you!!

Your welcome. keep steeming. Please duo make out time to visit my blog to read my recent article, they might interest you.

@woundedknee welcome to this great platform. I wish you success.

Thank you!!

Your welcome. keep steeming. Please duo make out time to visit my blog to read my recent article, they might interest you.

i have other common dream to the list, run away from someone... or something

Excellent series you have created here. Great concept and very beneficial to all. We all have dreams and we need interpretation. Your work helps us be more aware and have better insight to our dreams. Keep up the good work.

Thank you!!! Means alot!!

Congratulations! Great photo

Thank you!!

Welcome here @Woundedknee ! Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me at @khunfarang

Thank you!! I will follow you as well!!

I constantly dream of my former job, does that has any meaning?
Good post :)

A very warm welcome to you on steemit. Pls follow back

Thank you!! I will follow you as well!!

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These all are nothing except our daily engagements that some of those repeat in our dreams ..... And do you know all about day time dreams...

I have had both these dreams multiple times!! , and by the looks of it , other have too! , that is kinda spooky :D

I have experienced cracking my teeth, it felt so real, except for that i have wired dreams i couldn't understand, i don't remember much of them, i forget about it as soon as i get up from sleep

Really liked this post!

I write about my dreams pretty often. Glad to see someone else is into this!

nice post, have had some jumping from a high hill> so scarry

Welcome and Thank You for being with us!! Following your Blog now

great article , you are right i had the flying dream in the past

Sweet ! Welcome to Steemit! Followed. Follow me back 😘

Nice insight into the meanings of these dreams... I disagree about the meanings because I have other meanings but nevertheless it's always good to know what others think.

Thank you

One of the most common dreams I have is this: I will feel like my mouth is full, and I will reach in with my fingers and pull out wads of a gummy like substance. It will feel real thick like super glue, almost dried. I can feel it yanking on my teeth and have a tingling sensation in my gums like I'm about to rip my molars out. The gummy residue will finally break free but my mouth instantly fills again and I reach for more, and more and more. Repeating over and over again until I wake up stressed out. I have this dream all the damn time.

Thank you!!

Thank you! I will follow you as well!!