Life is an interesting road to travel with a lot of challenges on the way.
For me, gratitude is my very first on the list, all the rest follows.
Live in the present. If things are not working in my direction, changing my thoughts sets me straight.
Challenging moments provide you the tool to benchmark so called happiness. If grateful you'll end up in a state of "happierness". Happiness is a man made concept ALWAYS dependant on outcome. It's pure consumerism!
Enjoy the rest of your journey, although challenging in hindsight you will see, it was worth every minute if you are truly GRATEFUL.
Gratitude, compassion, unconditional love, respect/tolerance, trust and then love, for me in that order I strive to live, placing love last as I consider it to be a selfish act. "I'll stay if....".
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Thank you for the insight! I definitely need to work towards cultivating a better sense of gratitude - that is something I will be striving towards and documenting here on this blog!
Consider reading this book it may change your direction. Whether good or not, for you to evaluate. Enjoy.
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you very much, I appreciate the link!