Sahabat steemit....
Saya ketawa dan tersenyum, akhirnya saya bergabung dalam media ini, sebenarnya sudah lama Abang saya @husaini mengajak saya untuk mencoba berkomunikasi dengan banyak orang melalui media ini. Tapi saat itu saya tidak terpancing dengan ajakannya, karena saya tidak percaya apa yang dikatakannya, bahwa melalui media ini selain bisa mendapatkan teman dari berbagai macam negara juga bisa mendapatkan reward.
Saat itu saya menganggap, itu cuma hanya omongan abang saya doang, agar saya mau bergabung dalam media sosial ini. Tapi seiring waktu saya terpengaruh dengan ajakan abang saya karena saya melihat semakin hari media ini semakin berkembang, saya tahu hal ini salah satunya dengan bergabungnya anak kakak sepupu saya @lisaa. Juga banyak kawan-kawan di tempat kerja saya yang mulai mencari tahu dan menjadi pembicaraan beberapa kawan-kawan mengenai media ini.
Nama saya asli saya Marsuri Yana, namun dimedia sosial ini, nama saya @yanaa, saya sudah berkeluarga dan sudah mempunyai 2 orang putra, saya seorang bidan dan saya bekerja di Puskesmas Blang Cut, kecamatan Blang Mangat kabupaten Aceh Utara.
Dalam keseharian saya sebagai seorang bidan, saya punya prinsip, merawat dan melindungi para ibu-ibu dan bayi adalah pekerjaan yang paling utama, karena ibu-ibu adalah orang yang melahirkan generasi bangsa, dan bayi adalah generasi bangsa yang harus dipelihara kesehatannya.
Hehehehe ,,,,,
Steemit's best friend ....
I laughed and smiled, finally I joined in this media, in fact it has long been my brother @husaini invites me to try to communicate with many people through this media. But at that time I was not hooked with his invitation, because I do not believe what he said, that through this media in addition to get friends from various countries can also get rewards.
At that time I assume, it's just a talk of my brother doang, so I want to join in this social media. But over time I was affected by the invitation of my brother because I see the more the media is growing, I know this is one of them by joining my cousin's daughter @lisaa. Also many friends at my workplace are starting to find out and talk about some of these friends about the media.
My name is my native Marsuri Yana, but this social dimension, my name is @yanaa, I have married and already have 2 sons, I am a midwife and I work at Blang Cut Community Health Center, Blang Mangat sub-district, North Aceh district.
In my daily life as a midwife, I have a principle, taking care of and protecting mothers and babies is the most important job, because mothers are the ones who give birth to the generation of the nation, and the baby is the generation of the nation that must be maintained for its health.
welcome in steemit family @yanaa
Thank you @am24it
Welcome to Steem @yanaa I have upvoted and sent you a tip
Thank you for your sent a tip @bottymcbotface, help mi to reestim my post
Selamat bergabung di dunia menulis kakak, semoga dengan bertambahnya anggota penulis bertambah pula ilmu, bertambah jg sahabat. Indahnya berbagi walau hanya sedikit kata-kata.
Sukses Selalu ..!!
Hai @yanaa Selamat datang di Steemit, bersenang-senanglah di depan.
Semoga saja saya mendapatkannya disini @minimalpris.
A new Steemian :-) hello @yanaa you enjoy your time here, its a great community ! Nice post, wish you much luck! I Have upvoted and will follow your account. Don't hesitate to contact or follow me at any time :-) See you around @tradewonk
Thank you @tradewonk, help mi to reestim my post
follow me i will follow you and upvote all your future post lets work together
Thank you @macstrong, help mi to reestim my post
ok , you have been followed too!
Awesome! You have a fresh account so welcome aboard. Have one upvote on the house and see you in your next post!
Getting those upvotes on a new account can be a daunting task, believe me, so I suggest you to try out Steemfollower as you can earn 5x more steem than just upvoting by yourself! It's a simple and safe vote exchange that is free to use. I compiled this post to explain the system in more depth and it has become my most upvoted post yet.
Welcome to Steemit! I wish you a good day and inspiration to create in our community! Please follow me :) and upvote all my post and i do the same.
G'day @yanaa! Welcome to the platform :]
selamat datang. salam sukses. @newzifa