** Hi steemit friends! **
My name is yusrina, I am from Indonesia, I was born on the 16th of January, 1998. Currently I am continuing college in High School of Formics Engineering
Hai kawan-kawan steemit !
perkenal kan Nama saya yusrina, Saya berasal dari indonesia, Saya lahir ditanggerang, pada tanggal 16 januari tahun 1998. Saat ini saya sedang melanjutkan perguruan tinggi di Sekolah tinggi ilmu teknik formatika.
Kindly help and support from friends all :)
My Best Regard @yusrina
Hi yusrina! Welcome to join the steemit community. Steemit is a social media that rewards you through interesting writing and comments. I think you have the ability to provide interesting writing in the next post. Your good job will be appreciated The spirit of work and good luck!
Best regard @fataelrumy
Welcome, salam kenal
Welcome to steemit @yusrina, congratulations to surf here. Good luck, my best regards @jamilfian.
Welcome to Steemit, nice blog following you, You can also follow me
Hai, helo @yusrina.. Selamat bertemu di Steemit! Senang anda berkumpul di sini.. sudah diupvote yah.. 😎