a short story about me introducemyself

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Dear Steemiant's

My thanks
My thanks to @hasanuddin and @safwaninisam, in December 2017 who have shared information and experience with me about Steemit. Teach me how to surf in Steemit to get more friends and earnings and to expand my skills. After I enrolled in Steemit then I was invited to join the community of Nanggroe Steemit Comunity (NSC).

Today is my first day surfing and exploring Steemit. I tried to do my first post about my life background also I included some photos.

My identity
My name is Yusuf Bardan, I often called yusuf, my email account [email protected], the reason nurhami tip of my email address is to combine the names of the parents namely Nurdin and Hamidah. therefore until now all my email accounts start from Facebook account, Instagram, and some other social media account.

My introductory photo @yusufbardan

I was born in Aceh Utara District Aceh Province, Indonesia 29 Years ago, from a simple family. My family background as a farmer / planter, I am the 6th son of 6 siblings. I am now married my wife Intan Zahara's name, our marriage age is only 4 months old and now my wife is pregnant young. Here are some wedding photos and receptions:

ASJ_0578.JPG Marriage Contract, Sept 5, 2017.

ASJ_0601.JPG photo of the family after the marriage contract

DSC_8596.JPG photo part of aceh custom procession at reception

DSC_8621.JPG Photos of couple in the bride.

DSC_8630.JPG photo with the bride's family

DSC03886.JPG Photobooth.

DSC_8568.JPGTraditional dance dancer photo with bride.

Activities and Routines
I am a day-to-day employee as a honorary worker in the working environment of the Aceh Utara District Government, which daily serves the needs of the people in the administration field, such as population administration, licensing, religious and social. this has become an activity as well as my routine from 2010 until now. Here are some photos of my activities:

P_20160823_142041.jpg Distributing rice for the poor to the point of distribution Photo by: @yusufbardan

P_20160824_143150.jpg Providing administrative services to the community Photo by: @yusufbardan

P_20160203_103212.jpg Attend monthly coordination meetings at the office Photo by: @yusufbardan

P_20161114_122604.jpg Perform archiving of correspondence Photo by: @yusufbardan

P_20160817_090233.jpg Photo together with the security apparatus as well as partners, after the independence ceremony of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia to 72 Photo by: @yusufbardan

P_20160817_104732_1.jpg Photo with Muspika Nisam Sub-district Between Aceh Utara District, Aceh Photo by: @yusufbardan

Social activity
I have many friends who are engaged in the social field so that I can participate to help the poor, disabled and disabled people who need help for daily activities such as educational activities for children and other activities for the survival of people living in the area that is close to me. Here are some photos of my social activities, hopefully the Steemiant's inspired:

P_20161126_130607.jpg Photo of bikes for underprivileged children from fellow management of the Thousand Bicycle Program for Aceh Education Photo by: @yusufbardan

P_20161126_142522.jpg Photo with beneficiaries of the Thousand Bicycle Program for Aceh education Photo by: @yusufbardan

P_20161126_154555.jpg Photo with beneficiaries of the Thousand Bicycle Program for Aceh education Photo by: @yusufbardan

page.jpgPhoto with beneficiaries of the Thousand Bicycle Program for Aceh education
Photo by:

P_20160228_135246.jpg Photos of the poor / poor / wealthy beneficiaries of the Team Cet Langet Rumoh (CLR) friends. Photo by: @yusufbardan

P_20160228_135336.jpgPhotos of the poor / poor / wealthy beneficiaries of the Team Cet Langet Rumoh (CLR) friends. Photo by: @yusufbardan

P_20160228_135351.jpgPhotos of the poor / poor / wealthy beneficiaries of the Team Cet Langet Rumoh (CLR) friends. Photo by: @yusufbardan

FB_IMG_1456714323530.jpgPhotos of the poor / poor / wealthy beneficiaries of the Team Cet Langet Rumoh (CLR) friends.Photo by: Facebook

Photos of the poor / poor / wealthy beneficiaries of the Team Cet Langet Rumoh (CLR) friends. Photo by:@yusufbardan

Photos of activities with young friends (BAPENA) contributed in the form of food aid for earthquake victims in Pidie Jaya District, Aceh. Photo by:(@yusufbardan

IMG_0745.JPGPhotos of activities with young friends (BAPENA) contributed in the form of food aid for earthquake victims in Pidie Jaya District, Aceh. Photo by:@yusufbardan

My hobby
My hobbies are reading, browsing and internetan, for me the hobby of reading, browsing and internetan is a complex thing, in the digital era like nowadays we can utilize internet service to read and seek other information to add science. I am also a connoisseur of coffee, my spare time I use for a lot of coffee while looking for information through the internet and social media. Here are some photos of my spare time:

P_20151210_162315.jpgPhotos My hobby, browsing while enjoying coffee at NSC headquarters. Photo by:@yusufbardan

P_20160129_084556_BF.jpgPhotos My hobby, browsing while enjoying coffee at NSC headquarters. Photo by: @yusufbardan

P_20160312_082047.jpgPhotos My hobby, browsing while enjoying coffee at NSC headquarters. Photo by: @yusufbardan

page.jpgPhotos My hobby, browsing while enjoying coffee at NSC headquarters. Photo by: @yusufbardan

Hopefully my first post can help you get to know me closer, let's make Steemit to explore and share, if you like it follow me @yusufbardan and upvote and resteem...

Best Regards Steemit Indonesia @yusufbardan


Terima Kasihku
Ucapan terima kasih saya untuk @hasanuddin dan @safwaninisam, pada bulan desember 2017 yang telah berbagi informasi dan pengalaman kepada saya mengenai Steemit. Mengajari saya bagaimana caranya berselancar di Steemit untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak teman dan penghasilan serta dapat mengembangkan kemampuan yang saya miliki. Setelah saya mendaftar di Steemit kemudian saya diajak untuk bergabung dengan komunitas Nanggroe Steemit Comunity (NSC).

Hari ini adalah hari pertama saya berselancar dan menjelajah Steemit. Saya mencoba melakukan postingan pertama saya tentang latar belakang kehidupan saya juga saya ikut sertakan beberapa foto.

Identitas Saya
Nama saya Yusuf Bardan, saya sering dipanggil dengan sebutan yusuf, akun email saya [email protected], alasan nurhami diujung alamat email saya adalah menggabungkan nama orang tua yaitu Nurdin dan Hamidah. oleh karena itu sampai sekarang semua akun email saya mulai dari akun Facebook, Instagram, dan beberapa akun media sosial lainnya.!!

Foto pengantar saya @yusufbardan

Saya lahir di Kabupaten Aceh Utara Provinsi Aceh, Indonesia 29 Tahun silam, dari keluarga sederhana. Latar belakang keluarga saya sebagai petani/pekebun, saya merupakan putra ke-6 dari 6 bersaudara. Saat ini saya sudah berumah tangga nama istri saya Intan Zahara, usia pernikahan kami baru beranjak 4 bulan dan sekarang istri saya sedang hamil muda. Berikut beberapa foto pernikahan dan resepsinya:

ASJ_0578.JPG Akad nikah, 5 September 2017.

ASJ_0601.JPG Foto keluarga setelah akad nikah.

DSC_8596.JPG Foto bagian dari adat aceh saat resepsi.

DSC_8621.JPG Foto couple di tempat pengantin wanita.

DSC_8630.JPG Foto keluarga besar mempelai wanita.

DSC03886.JPG Photobooth.

DSC_8568.JPG Penari tarian adat foto bersama mempelai wanita.

Aktivitas dan Rutinitas...
Saya sehari-hari berprofesi sebagai tenanga honorer di lingkungan kerja Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Aceh Utara Provinsi Aceh, yang setiap harinya melayani kebutuhan masyarakat di bidang administrasi, seperti administrasi kependudukan, perizinan, keagamaan dan sosial. ini sudah menjadi aktivitas sekaligus rutinitas saya dari tahun 2010 hingga sekarang. Berikut beberapa foto kegiatan saya:

P_20160823_142041.jpg Melakukan distribusi beras untuk masyarakat miskin ke titik pendistribusian. Photo by: @yusufbardan

P_20160824_143150.jpg Memberikan pelayanan bidang administrasi kepada masyarakat. Photo by: @yusufbardan

P_20160203_103212.jpg Mengikuti rapat koordinasi bulanan di kantor. Photo by: @yusufbardan

P_20161114_122604.jpg Melakukan pengarsipan surat menyurat. Photo by: @yusufbardan

P_20160817_090233.jpg Foto bersama aparat keamanan sekaligus mitra kerja, setelah upacara kemerdekaan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia ke 72. Photo by: @yusufbardan

P_20160817_104732_1.jpg Foto bersama Muspika Kecamatan Nisam Antara Kabupaten Aceh Utara, Aceh. Photo by: @yusufbardan

Aktivitas Sosial
Saya memiliki banyak teman yang bergerak dibidang sosial sehingga membuat saya bisa ikut serta untuk membantu masyarakat miskin, disabilitas dan penyandang cacat yang membutuhkan bantuan untuk beraktivitas sehari-hari seperti aktivitas pendidikan bagi anak-anak dan aktivitas lainnya untuk kelangsungan hidup bagi masyarakat yang tinggal di daerah yang dekat dengan saya. Berikut beberapa foto aktivitas sosial saya, semoga para Steemiant's terinspirasi:

P_20161126_130607.jpg Foto sepeda untuk anak sekolah kurang mampu dari rekan-rekan pengurus Program Seribu Sepeda Untuk Pendidikan Aceh. Photo by: @yusufbardan

P_20161126_142522.jpg Foto bersama penerima manfaat Program Seribu Sepeda untuk pendidikan Aceh. Photo by: @yusufbardan

P_20161126_154555.jpg Foto bersama penerima manfaat Program Seribu Sepeda untuk pendidikan Aceh. Photo by: @yusufbardan

Beberapa foto penerima manfaat Program Seribu Sepeda untuk Pendidikan Aceh. Photo by: @yusufbardan

Foto fakir/ miskin/ dhuafa penerima manfaat dari teman-teman Team Cet Langet Rumoh (CLR). Photo by: @yusufbardan

P_20160228_135336.jpg Foto fakir/ miskin/ dhuafa penerima manfaat dari teman-teman Team Cet Langet Rumoh (CLR). Photo by: @yusufbardan

P_20160228_135351.jpg Foto fakir/ miskin/ dhuafa penerima manfaat dari teman-teman Team Cet Langet Rumoh (CLR). Photo by: @yusufbardan

Foto fakir/ miskin/ dhuafa penerima manfaat dari teman-teman Team Cet Langet Rumoh (CLR). Photo by: Facebook

Foto bersama fakir/ miskin/ dhuafa penerima manfaat dari teman-teman Team Cet Langet Rumoh (CLR). Photo by:![P_20160228_134422_011.jpg](https://steemitimages.com/DQmWPG8Z7uMzfBg4PC4Gr215phqGUqojaJw9L8GP9cmUSJ3/P_ @yusufbardan

Foto aktivitas bersama teman-teman muda (BAPENA) memberikan sumbangan berupa bantuan pangan untuk korban gempa bumi di Kabupaten Pidie Jaya, Aceh. Photo by:( @yusufbardan

IMG_0745.JPGFoto aktivitas bersama teman-teman muda (BAPENA) memberikan sumbangan berupa bantuan pangan untuk korban gempa bumi di Kabupaten Pidie Jaya, Aceh. Photo by: @yusufbardan

Hobi Saya
Hobi saya membaca, browsing dan internetan, bagi saya hobi membaca, browsing dan internetan adalah hal yang kompleks, di era digital seperti sekarang ini kita bisa memanfaatkan layanan internet untuk membaca dan mencari informasi lainnya untuk menambah ilmu pengetahuan. Saya juga penikmat kopi, waktu luang saya banyak saya gunakan untuk minum kopi sambil mencari informasi melalui internet dan media sosial. Berikut beberapa foto kegiatan diwaktu luang saya:

P_20151210_162315.jpgFoto Hobi saya, browsing sambil menikmati kopi di markas NSC. Photo by: @yusufbardan

P_20160129_084556_BF.jpgFoto Hobi saya, browsing sambil menikmati kopi di markas NSC. Photo by: @yusufbardan

Foto Hobi saya, browsing sambil menikmati kopi di markas NSC. Photo by: @yusufbardan

Beberapa foto Hobi saya, browsing sambil menikmati kopi di markas NSC. Photo by: @yusufbardan

Semoga postingan perdana saya ini dapat membantu anda mengenal saya lebih dekat, mari jadikan Steemit untuk menjelajah dan berbagi, jika anda menyukainya ikuti saya @yusufbardan serta upvote dan resteem .!!!

Salam Steemit Indonesia @yusufbardan


hopefully you feel at home here. 😊welcome to steemit @yusufbardan, best regards..

Thanks @devsuraj happy to meet you, do not forget to upvote ya. Hehehe

Welcome nice Photos have Fun

Thanks @sabsel, do not forget to upvote me. hehehehe

Hai, halo @yusufbardan.. Welcome di Steemit! Suka melihat anda gabung di sini.. sudah diupvote yah.. =]

Thanks @puncakbukit because it has upvote me, happy to be friends with you :)

Best weeding pics. Jambo really sweet mandho.... i hope you are growing best in each life gyard.

Thanks @adsami, do not forget to upvote me hehehe

sdah di vote ya bg and follow